Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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[UK] A. Barrère Argot and Sl. 272: Prostitute’s bully, or pensioner.
at pensioner (at the petticoat), n.
[UK] A. Barrère Argot and Sl. 272: The criminal... would perhaps utter for the edification of the crowd his ‘tops, or croaks,’ that is, his last dying speech .
at croak, n.
[UK] A. Barrère Argot and Sl. 272: [...] Gallows, scrag, nobbing cheat, or government signpost.
at government signpost (n.) under government, n.
[UK] A. Barrère Argot and Sl. 272: Monstrico, m. (familiar), ugly person, one with a knocker face.
at knocker-face (n.) under knocker, n.1
[UK] A. Barrère Argot and Sl. 272: [...] Gallows, scrag, nobbing cheat, or government signpost.
at nubbing cheat (n.) under nubbing, n.
[UK] A. Barrère Argot and Sl. 272: The criminal... would perhaps utter for the edification of the crowd his ‘tops, or croaks,’ that is, his last dying speech.
at tops, n.1
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