Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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[UK] ‘Bartimeus’ ‘In the Dog-Watches’ in Seaways 21: If I’d ’a’ known you was an adjectival Dago I’d never ’a’ bought you.
at adjective, adj.
[UK] ‘Bartimeus’ ‘Chops and Chips’ in Seaways 101: You’d better have a drink, old bird.
at old bird, n.
[UK] ‘Bartimeus’ ‘Chops and Chips’ in Seaways 103: That’s [i.e. a man] a nasty looking bit of work.
at nasty bit of work, n.
[UK] ‘Bartimeus’ ‘In the Dog-Watches’ in Seaways 17: Did you spin all this yarn to the Bloke when you come up at Defaulters?
at bloke, n.
[UK] ‘Bartimeus’ ‘In the Dog-Watches’ in Seaways 24: Two bun-worries in three days is about the limit.
at bun-worry (n.) under bun, n.3
[UK] ‘Bartimeus’ ‘A Flower of the Sea’ in Seaways 272: ‘This’ll learn ’im’ . . . ‘’E’s copped it this time.’.
at cop it, v.
[UK] ‘Bartimeus’ ‘In the Dog-Watches’ Seaways 22: Garn, cully, chuck it off your chest agin!
at cully, n.1
[UK] ‘Bartimeus’ ‘In the Dog-Watches’ in Seaways 20: Didn’t I say she [i.e. a monkey] was a cure?
at cure, n.
[UK] ‘Bartimeus’ ‘Draining of the Save-Alls’ Seaways 115: Mr Aughtlone [...] Never swore, only ‘Desh my wigs an’ trouser buttons!’.
at dash my wig(s)! (excl.) under dash, v.1
[UK] ‘Bartimeus’ ‘Chops and Chips’ in Seaways 96: A chop and chips on the cheapers for the chaps.
at -er, sfx2
[UK] ‘Bartimeus’ ‘In the Dog-Watches’ in Seaways 19: Tricks! Gorblime, you’d fair bust yourself with laughin’.
at fair, adv.
[UK] ‘Bartimeus’ ‘Chops and Chips’ in Seaways 101: ‘What’s your skipper like?’ ‘Oh, a Fizzer. His missus is a good scout too.’.
at fizzer, n.1
[UK] ‘Bartimeus’ ‘In the Dog-Watches’ Seaways 19: Tricks! Gorblime, you’d fair bust yourself with laughin’.
at gorblimey!, excl.
[UK] ‘Bartimeus’ ‘A Man in the Making’ Seaways 196: ‘Go ahead, John!’ said Euan magnificently to the coolie.
at John, n.
[UK] ‘Bartimeus’ ‘The Look’ Seaways 137: There was nothing about these lights-of-love on which a man could hang either an ideal or a memory.
at light o’ love, n.
[UK] ‘Bartimeus’ ‘The Look’ in Seaways 149: The other sort: the sort us matelows has to turn to when we wants a bit of company.
at matlow, n.
[UK] ‘Bartimeus’ ‘Chops and Chips’ in Seaways 108: ‘Très moutarde – eh?’ ventured ’Orace.
at mustard, n.
[UK] ‘Bartimeus’ ‘Chops and Chips’ in Seaways 108: Are you sure your people would like you to stay?
at people, n.
[UK] ‘Bartimeus’ Seaways 110: Nasty Bit of Work. I’d go and bash his head for two pins.
at piece of work (n.) under piece, n.
[UK] ‘Bartimeus’ ‘A Flower of the Sea’ in Seaways 259: Directly she goes away he goes clean off the rails.
at off the rails under rail, n.
[UK] ‘Bartimeus’ ‘In the Dog-Watches’ in Seaways 22: If I was you, Bill [...] I’d wring ’is ruddy neck.
at ruddy, adj.
[UK] ‘Bartimeus’ ‘Chops and Chips’ in Seaways 101: ‘What’s your skipper like?’ ‘Oh, a Fizzer. His missus is a good scout too.’.
at scout, n.
[UK] ‘Bartimeus’ ‘Anathema’ in Seaways 237: My husband told me this was to be a ‘stag party,’ and I expect I shall be superfluous.
at stag party (n.) under stag, adj.
[UK] ‘Bartimeus’ ‘The Lights’ in Seaways 71: The Flag Lieutenant [...] said ‘Trap be sugared!’ twice, with passionate emphasis.
at sugared, adj.
[UK] ‘Bartimeus’ ‘A Man in the Making’ in Seaways 181: ‘Wanky Willy,’ the First Lieutenant who sometimes drank rather more port than was good for him – anyhow, when there was an ‘occasion.’.
at wanky, adj.
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