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When the Green Woods Laugh choose

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[UK] H.E. Bates When the Green Woods Laugh (1985) 284: Pop [...] ordered himself a double Johnny Walker and urged Angela and the Brigadier to knock theirs back and quick.
at knock back, v.
[UK] H.E. Bates When the Green Woods Laugh (1985) 281: Beetie Fanshawe was beefy. You could have cut his face up into prime red steaks.
at beefy (adj.) under beef, n.1
[UK] H.E. Bates When the Green Woods Laugh (1985) 246: Hot weather affected you at all? [...] It’s caned a lot of people.
at cane, v.
[UK] H.E. Bates When the Green Woods Laugh (1985) 253: It was a damn cert.
at cert, n.
[UK] H.E. Bates When the Green Woods Laugh (1985) 236: ‘I see you too have a Rolls,’ Mrs Jerebohm said. ‘Oh! that old crate. That’s a laugh.’.
at crate, n.
[UK] H.E. Bates When the Green Woods Laugh (1985) 282: You stand there, you croaker, and tell me it’s going to be heated?
at croaker, n.1
[UK] H.E. Bates When the Green Woods Laugh (1985) 278: For crying out gently, Pop thought. What next?
at for crying out loud!, excl.
[UK] H.E. Bates When the Green Woods Laugh (1985) 241: I’ll take you down there when you had a deck at the house.
at deck, n.2
[UK] H.E. Bates When the Green Woods Laugh (1985) 144: This was the right time, if ever, to let the dog see the rabbit.
at let the dog see the rabbit (v.) under dog, n.2
[UK] H.E. Bates When the Green Woods Laugh (1985) 319: Eats are coming in a moment.
at eats, n.
[UK] H.E. Bates When the Green Woods Laugh (1985) 313: ‘Good egg!’ Pop said.
at good egg!, excl.
[UK] H.E. Bates When the Green Woods Laugh (1985) 235: No chance of that, Pop said. Not if he knew it. No fear.
at no fear!, excl.
[UK] H.E. Bates When the Green Woods Laugh (1985) 244: Everything grows ’ell for leather.
at hell for leather (adv.) under hell, n.
[UK] H.E. Bates When the Green Woods Laugh (1985) 264: By Jove, I could lie here all night.
at by Jove! (excl.) under Jove, n.
[UK] H.E. Bates When the Green Woods Laugh (1985) 234: He needed a real blinder of a pick-me-up to restore his sanity.
at pick-me-up, n.
[UK] H.E. Bates When the Green Woods Laugh (1985) 263: One for the road? [...] Come on, one more for the road.
at one for the road (n.) under one, n.1
[UK] H.E. Bates When the Green Woods Laugh (1985) 287: Get outside that one [...] and I’ll mix you another.
at get outside (of) (v.) under outside, adv.
[UK] H.E. Bates When the Green Woods Laugh (1985) 287: You look a bit peaky, Mr Jerebohm.
at peaky, adj.
[UK] H.E. Bates When the Green Woods Laugh (1985) 263: Got your pecker up all right now, haven’t you? [...] Not down in the dumps now, are you?
at pecker, n.2
[UK] H.E. Bates When the Green Woods Laugh (1985) 283: And who’s the tall blond piece?
at piece, n.
[UK] H.E. Bates When the Green Woods Laugh (1985) 281: They were a pretty ripe old lot.
at ripe, adj.
[UK] H.E. Bates When the Green Woods Laugh (1985) 238: Mr Jerebohm was determined not to be sold any pups.
at sell a pup (v.) under sell, v.
[UK] H.E. Bates When the Green Woods Laugh (1985) 281: She was a girl of spanking bosom.
at spanking, adj.
[UK] H.E. Bates When the Green Woods Laugh (1985) 279: I shouldn’t have thought you were cold [...] with the steamy way that Mrs Perigo kept looking at you. I hope you didn’t get any ideas about her?
at steamy, adj.
[UK] H.E. Bates When the Green Woods Laugh (1985) 257: Oh! you’re a sweetie.
at sweetie, n.
[UK] H.E. Bates When the Green Woods Laugh (1985) 297: Not sure you haven’t gone and torn it now.
at tear it (v.) under tear, v.
[UK] H.E. Bates When the Green Woods Laugh (1985) 289: The unexpected vision of a man riding home from a fox-hunt with a brace of pheasants slung across his horse was altogether too much to bear. Dammit, it wasn’t the thing.
at thing, the, n.
[UK] H.E. Bates When the Green Woods Laugh (1985) 252: ‘Thundering hot still,’ Pop said.
at thundering, adv.
[UK] H.E. Bates When the Green Woods Laugh (1985) 260: I adore the pink. It’s absolutely me. Quite my favourite tipple.
at tipple, n.
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