Green’s Dictionary of Slang

beef n.1

1. the vagina.

[UK]J. Bale Comedye Concernyng Three Lawes (1550) Ciii: What wylte thou fall to mutton? [...] Rank loue is full of heate where hungrye dogges lacke meate, They wyll durty puddynges eate For want of befe and conye.
[UK]Middleton & Rowley Old Law (1656) III i: What a spites this, that a man cannot perswade his wife to dye in any time with her good will, I have another bespoke already, though a piece of old beefe will serve to breakfast, yet a man would be glad of a Chicken to supper.
[UK]‘Peter Aretine’ Strange Newes 3: Peg. Here boys, here’s the best Pig’s head in the Fair [...] pure Mutton, and the best buttock bief in England .
[UK] ‘The Butcher’ in Farmer Merry Songs and Ballads (1897) II 215: He sigh’d, ly’d, and swore [...] Then down on his marrow-bones begg’d for relief, / For ah! he was dying to be in her beef.

2. (later use W.I., Jam., also piece of beef) a sexually appealing man or woman.

[UK]Shakespeare Henry IV Pt 1 III iii: O! my sweet beef, I must still be good angel to thee.
[WI]M. Thelwell Harder They Come 153: [of a man] Now you can check de ‘beef’ — is three kinda man de women dem go for.
[WI]Francis-Jackson Official Dancehall Dict. 4: Beef a woman: u. a criss beef; de beef ripe, star/she’s a lovely woman.
[UK](con. 1979–80) A. Wheatle Brixton Rock (2004) 32: I used to have some fit piece of beef visit.

3. ’(also beef-steak) the penis.

[UK]Shakespeare Measure for Measure III ii: Troth, sir, she has eaten up all her beef, and is herself in the tub.
[UK]Machine 10: Coax’d by Nymph insidious in the Street, / T’appease her Hunger with a Beef-Steak Treat.
[UK]Mimosa: or, The Sensitive Plant 12: Could lady L—r well resist / [...] / And flew from English shrivel’d beef, / To taste of french bouillé.
[Ire]Farquhar ‘To a Gentleman who had his Pocket Pick’d [...] by a Mistriss’ in A. Carpenter Verse in Eng in 18C Ireland (1998) 66: The Mettal’s stronger that’s well souder’d, / And Beef keeps sweeter once ’tis powder’d.
[UK]A. Lloyd [perf. Arthur Lloyd] ‘American Beef’ 🎵 He tempted my love with American Beef, / And she thought it was nicer than mine.
[Scot] ‘The Jolly Gauger’ Burns Merry Muses of Caledonia (1965) 102: Sic kail ne’er crost my kettle, nor sic a joint o’ beef.
[UK]Barrère & Leland Dict. of Sl., Jargon and Cant.
[US]Frank Zappa ‘Latex Solar Beef’ 🎵 All groupies must bow down / In the sacred presence of the latex solar beef.
[US]E. Folb Runnin’ Down Some Lines 153: The penis is also referred to as a piece of meat: beef, meat, or tube steak.
[US]Ice-T ‘Rhyme Pays’ 🎵 But whether your name’s Lucy, Terry, Laura or Cindy / Ice got beef and this ain’t Wendy’s.
[Scot]I. Welsh Filth 80: Ah’ll fuckin probe awright: probe wi some prime Scottish beef.
Pariah ‘FFA Battle...join in’ 17 Sept. on VBHeaven Freestyle Forum 🌐 Play pussy and get fucked like a virgin in the projects / if i need my beef handle, i got plenty of prospects.

4. human flesh, esp. with inference of excessive weight.

[Ire]J. O’Keeffe Dead Alive (1783) 5: You carry your beef vid you – here is de beef (touching the coachman’s belly).
[Aus]Bell’s Life in Sydney 28 Mar. 1/2: By the way this mountain mass of flesh appearance is said to be owing to the prisoner's beef,.
[Ire]Cork Examiner 28 Mar. 4/3: On the dogs being brought into the pit, Chelmsford stood higher in the leg, and showed less beef about him .
[Ire]Cork Examiner 28 Mar. 4/3: Canine ‘mills’ which recall the palmy days of 1832. Dogs that [...] defied human force to [...] choke ’em off when once their tushes had met in their adversarys beef’‘ .
[Aus]Bulletin (Sydney) 13 June 9/2: Dunbar and his ‘musetto’ are great favourites, but he is falling into flesh and will have to change his character to […] something else – an alderman, say – if he continues putting on beef like that.
[UK]Mirror of Life 16 Nov. 11/2: Jem Smith has been steadily getting off his beef [...] and his stomach, which was until recently of aldermanic proportions, has come down to respectable workmanlike dimensions.
[Aus]‘Dads Wayback’ in Sun. Times (Sydney) 8 Feb. 4/4: ‘[H]avin' ter look round lively fer guns [...] pinted at ’em will make ther other cops more active like, an’ lose some o’ ther beef they carries [...] Very soon fat cops will be out o’ date, because they is so much easier ter hit’.
[US]B. Fisher A. Mutt in Blackbeard Compilation (1977) 89: He isn’t fat enough [...] We must have a candidate with enough beef.
[US]R. Chandler ‘Red Wind’ Red Wind (1946) 40: Your two hundred pounds of beef came back from Argentina.
[NZ]R.M. Rogers Long White Cloud 213: Big tub of lard. [...] The bobbies might sling a hook in his beef.
[US]J. Havoc Early Havoc 170: ‘That big hunk of beef is sound asleep’.
[US](con. 1950s) D. Goines Whoreson 40: I got some beef that sells better than hamburger.
W. Boyd Good Man in Africa 149: ‘You must be the only man in Nkongsamba who doesn’t drink.’ Morgan tapped his stomach. ‘I promised myself I’d lose some beef’.

5. (orig. US) physical strength, power, muscles.

[US]‘Jack Downing’ Andrew Jackson 60: Just afore their beef was tri’d with cold iron, Coffy was order’d to line the river [...] that none mite scape.
[UK]Cornhill Mag. Feb. n.p.: ‘Life on Board a Man of War.’ Useful at the heavy hauling of braces etc., where plenty of beef is required [F&H].
[US]E.H. Babbitt ‘College Words and Phrases’ in DN II:i 22: beef, n. Weight, as of an athlete.
[Aus]Bulletin Reciter 1880–1901 91: The troopers both were solid men whose brains had run to beef.
[US]Eve. Star (Wash., DC) 26 Apr. 39/2: ‘Always looked to me like it was beef that counted.’ ‘But it isn’t [...] I claim that neither mind nor muscle is the chief factor’.
[UK]Marvel 14 Aug. 5: I put some beef behind those blows on his chin. He took them very well.
[US]R. Whitfield ‘Murder in the Ring’ in Black Mask Stories (2010) 352/1: If he didn’t get a cut of that prize hunk of beef - there was a jingle you had better read.
[US]R. Martin ‘Tea Party Frame-Up’ in Mammoth Detective May 🌐 I’m just a big pile of beef with a good appetite and a healthy conscience.
[UK]‘Frank Richards’ Billy Bunter at Butlins 137: Coker put all his beef into that kick, and Coker had a tremendous amount of beef.
[US]R. Oliver ‘More Carnie Talk’ in AS XLI:4 279: When some ‘muscle’ is needed to set up a joint. ‘How about some beef over here!’.
[UK]A. Close Official and Doubtful 322: That wiry adolescent’s body trapped by the pure beef of his opponent.
[Scot]I. Welsh Filth 110: Fuck knows why I dinnae put on loads ay beef.

6. used in Clare Market, a provisions market in London WC2, to describe cat’s meat.

[UK]J. Ware Passing Eng. of the Victorian Era.

7. (US, also piece of beef) a well-built male; used by both heterosexuals and homosexuals; thus beef on the hoof, a number of such men.

[US]E.B. Morris Sophomore 34: [of a football team] Violet. Aw, go on, you big beefs.
[US](con. WWI) H. Odum Wings on My Feet 244: Aw, shet up, you big beef.
[US]J.L. Kuethe ‘Johns Hopkins Jargon’ in AS VII:5 329: beef—n.—a large person; a husky.
[US]R. Chandler Lady in the Lake (1952) 20: He was a nice piece of beef, but to me that was all he was.
[US]Wentworth & Flexner DAS.
[US]B. Rodgers Queens’ Vernacular 30: beef [...] 2. a masculine man, such as a Texan ranchhand or a member of the armed forces [...] Syn: piece of beef.
[US]S. King Stand (1990) 305: The beef in the loincloth had looked much like Prince.
[US]Eble Campus Sl. Apr. 1: beef – good-looking male.
[US]J. Wambaugh Golden Orange (1991) 113: They need some big beef out here to bust all these Newport Beach felonies.
[US] Queer Sl. in the Gay 90s 🌐 Beef – Buffed men.
[US]Eble Campus Sl. Nov. 1: beef – well-built male: There was a ton of beef at the gym today.
[US](con. 1950s) E. White My Lives 108: A lot of beef on the hoof tonight, wouldn’t you say?

8. (US und.) a thug, a bodyguard.

[US]L. Berney Whiplash River [ebook] [A] pair of hard-looking Egyptian guys with mustaches. In suits, no ties, hands at their sides. Devane’s beef.

In derivatives

beefy (adj.)

1. lucky.

[UK]Sl. Dict.

2. well-built, muscled, stolid; cit. 1876 transferred to a voice rather than a body.

London Courier 15 July 3/1: J. Stockman, Dan Sheen, and a Paddington coachman, nicknamed Beefy [...] all acted in the must foul manner.
[UK]R.S. Surtees Jorrocks Jaunts (1874) 240: You gets beefey, Brackenbury [...] you must be a couple of stone heavier than when we used to talliho the ’ounds together.
[UK]R.S. Surtees Ask Mamma 275: He’s such a beefy beggar.
[UK]All Year Round No. 66 367: There are no beefy boys at these schools [F&H].
M.E. Braddon Joshua Haggard’s Daughter I 134: His beefy voice.
Otowa Free Trader 6 July 7/1: ‘I say the dog’s nose was blunt and stubby,’ explaimed the beefy man.
[US]W.T. Call Josh Hayseed in N.Y. 125: What a pow’rful beefy critter he was.
[US]L. Chittenden ‘A Stockman’s Adventures in New York’ in Ranch Verses 161: An’ we passed a beefy feller, full of New York Irish pride.
[UK]Lancs. Eve. Post 19 Jan. 5/2: Cowan is passable at centre half-back. but he is now very ‘beefy’.
[US]Sat. Eve. Post 14 Mar. 4: I am a beefy person who has a stomach, and I am thankful for it.
[US]S. Lewis Babbitt (1974) 293: The three men abruptly turned their beefy backs.
[US]D. Lamson We Who Are About to Die 17: The new man [...] escorted by a pair of beefy sheriff’s deputies.
[UK]Wodehouse ‘Code of the Mulliners’ in Young Men in Spats 277: I have little or no acquaintance among the pure and beefy ladies who play heroines in our Number Two towns.
[UK]R. Llewellyn None But the Lonely Heart 65: It was a couple of beefy blokes.
[UK]J. Braine Room at the Top (1959) 105: You’re the sort of man I like, big and beefy.
[Aus](con. 1944) L. Glassop Rats in New Guinea 15: Only a muscular monstrosity [...] Only a beefy booter of a ball.
[UK]Wodehouse Much Obliged, Jeeves 106: A beefy butler sort of bird slammed the door in my face.
[US]L. Kramer Faggots 305: A big and beefy, dark young hairy Jewish man, his favourite type.
[US]Pileggi & Scorsese Goodfellas [film script] 25: A beefy man in a leather windbreaker.
[UK](con. 1950s) J. Byrne Slab Boys [film script] 7: Jack Hogg, a beefy designer with very bad acne.
[US]W. Ellis Crooked Little Vein 258: The uniformed security agent wasn’t young, but looked beefy.

3. thick, large, often of a man’s hands or a woman’s ankles.

[US]T. Haliburton Clockmaker III 34: Your galls, if I don’t mis-remember, are rather beefy about the instep.
[UK]G.A. Sala Gaslight and Daylight 133: To see him in his huge shirt-sleeves, with his awkward beefy hands hanging inanely by his side, and his great foolish mouth open.
[UK]Hotten Sl. Dict.
[UK]C. Holme Lonely Plough (1931) 205: That stick of mine wouldn’t be any good to you – you want something beefy.
[US]B. Schulberg Harder They Fall (1971) 90: Vince clapped his beefy hands to his big mouth.
[UK]A. Sillitoe Sat. Night and Sun. Morning 6: The cuffs came down to the hairs of self-assurance on the back of his beefy hands.
[US]C. Cook Robbers (2001) 36: The man ran a beefy hand down the lapel of his suitcoat.

4. fleshy, overweight.

[US]Firefly 9 Dec. 1: There was that beefy-merchant busily preparing a great gorge for himself.
[US]D. Hammett ‘Nightmare Town’ in Nightmare Town (2001) 7: The beefy man spoke — a dozen words pitched too low to catch.
[US](con. 1920s) J.T. Farrell Young Manhood in Studs Lonigan (1936) 168: He stepped up to a beefy-faced, hard-boiled sergeant.
[US]W.M. Raine Cool Customer 137: The eyes of the man were alert and restless in the gross beefy face.
[US]H. Simmons Corner Boy 24: Stacks of cans [...] that rose neatly almost up to the level of his five-foot-six beefy frame.
[UK]H.E. Bates When the Green Woods Laugh (1985) 281: Beetie Fanshawe was beefy. You could have cut his face up into prime red steaks.
[US](con. c.1970) G. Hasford Phantom Blooper 126: The last two are both over forty, [...] both of them too pale and too beefy to be lifer light colonels.

In compounds

beef and (n.)

see separate entry.

beef-a-roni (n.) [play on beefcake + popular US fast-food]

(US campus) a sexy male.

[US]Eble Campus Sl. Apr. 1: beef-a-roni – a very nice-looking young man.
[US]Eble Sl. and Sociability 71: ‘A sexy female’ is bacon; ‘a sexy male’ is beef-a-roni.
beef bag (n.)

(Aus.) a shirt.

[Aus]J. Furphy Such is Life 43: The portion of attire known to one section of society as ‘linen’, and to another as the ‘beef-bag’.
beef bayonet (n.)

the penis.

[Aus]B. Humphries Barry McKenzie [comic strip] in Complete Barry McKenzie (1988) 69: You’re not goin’ to see my beef bayonet in action.
[US]P. Howard State of the Lang. 31: A ‘beef bayonet’ is new slang, with the variant ‘beef torpedo’, for that old totem of slang, the male sexual organ.
[Aus]B. Moore Lex. of Cadet Lang. 37: What she needs, mate, is an injection of the old beef bayonet.
[UK]K. Lette Mad Cows 217: Apparently he’s got a beef bayonet which could double as a draught excluder.
[US]T. Udo Vatican Bloodbath 81: [They] have ALL been fucken beef-bayonet swallowing fucken fairies.
[NZ]McGill Reed Dict. of N.Z. Sl.
[Aus]N. Cummins Adventures of the Honey Badger [ebook] VITAL AUSSIE VERNACULAR Penis: 1. beef bayonet 2. a major part of his tackle allowance 3. sword 4. pyjama python 5. rod 6. middle leg 7. rodger.
beef-brain (n.)

a thug; a fool.

[US]A. Vachss Hard Candy (1990) 124: The beef-brain who answered took his time understanding I wasn’t going to talk to him.
beef bugle (n.)

see separate entry.

beefcake (n.) [on model of cheesecake n.] (orig. US)

1. a male pin-up; also attrib.

[US]Richmond (VA) News Leader 25 Oct. 30: Alan Ladd has a beef – about ‘beefcake,’ the new Hollywood trend toward exposing the male chest.
[US]Tuscaloosa (AL) News 29 July 7: Mae West [...] made her night club debut [...] by introducing ‘beef cake’ to saloon shows.
[UK]N. Cohn Awopbop. (1970) 193: Tom Jones was true beefcake.
[US]B. Rodgers Queens’ Vernacular 30: beefcake [...] 2. photographs of nude men in sexy situations.
[US]A. Maupin Tales of the City (1984) 32: A collage of Playgirl beefcake photos.
[US]‘Joe Bob Briggs’ Joe Bob Goes to the Drive-In 175: A bunch of bimbos who won’t drop their tops for the camera. Beefcake but no cheesecake.
[Aus]M. Coleman Fatty 40: Fred had no time for airs and graces. The blow-waves and beefcake calendars of rugby league 1990s-style are certainly not his go.
[SA]Sun. Indep. (Dublin) Living & Leisure 1 June 11L/2: Beefcake, the thing that men always think we fancy.
[SA]Sun. Times (S.Afr.) 27 Jan. 22: The girls had no problem getting touchy-feely with all the beefcake.
[UK]Week 26 Feb. 17: Lee spotted her personal ad [...] and sent her some cheesy emails and a laughable beefcake photo.

2. any attractive, muscular man; also attrib.

[UK]J. Osborne Look Back in Anger Act I: He doesn’t know it, but those beefcake Christians will make off with his wife in the wonder of stereophonic sound before the picture’s over.
[US]Eble Campus Sl. Mar. 1: beefcake – handsome, macho male.
[UK]New Musical Express 7 Mar. n.p.: What every beefcake on the street has got on his head [KH].
[UK]Indep. Rev. 15 June 15: John Benjamin Hickey’s suicidal beefcake.
[SA]Mail & Guardian (Johannesburg) 9 Aug. 🌐 What caused the beefcake bust-up was a word. A few of them [...] Like hot-not and boesman.
[US]J. Stahl OG Dad 25: The old beefcake got [...] a dreamy smile on his face.
[US]J. Ellroy Widespread Panic 7: I’m beefcake, boss, and bangin’ them bonaroo bitches.

3. male sex-appeal.

[US]B. Rodgers Queens’ Vernacular 30: beefcake 1. masculine sex appeal.

4. as a term of address.

[US](con. 1975–6) E. Little Steel Toes 163: You, beefcake . . . whatcha, a legbreaker?

5. used of a lesbian.

[US]J. Ellroy Widespread Panic 10: Homosexuals are ‘licentious lispers.’ Lesbians are ‘beefcake butches’.
beef chain (n.) (also butcher’s chain) [the moving chain at an abattoir or freezing plant which moves animal corpses around to be cut up and packaged]

(N.Z. prison) an unoffcial ‘court’, set up by prisoners to ‘judge’ one of their number.

[NZ]D. Looser Boobslang [U. Canterbury D.Phil. thesis] 15/2: beef chain, the n. [...] an unofficial court convened by prison inmates.
beef curtains (n.) (also roast beef curtains)

(orig. US) the labia minora.

[UK]J. McDonald Dict. of Obscenity etc. 60: A group of words for the vagina and vaginal labia which draw on the imagery of cut flesh [...] cat with its throat cut, and beef curtains.
[Aus]‘Dr Dick’ in Bug (Aus.) 24 Feb. 🌐 Your labial layers – both majora and minora (or as they are known in medical circles by the Latin, Beefus curtainus) – are your equivalent of male testicular tissue.
[UK]Roger’s Profanisaurus 3 in Viz 98 Oct. 13: flacketsn. Labia majora. Beef curtains.
[US] ‘The Cooter Monologues’ at 20 Jan. 🌐 Tuna Taco, Roast Beef Curtains. Both of those terms gross me the fuck out. Because they’re nasty and disgusting!
[UK]P. Baker Fabulosa 289/1: beef curtains ‘flaps’ on a woman’s vagina.
beefeater (n.)

see separate entries.

beefhead (n.)

see separate entry.

beef injection (n.) (also hot beef injection)(orig. US)

1. sexual intercourse; sometimes hot beef incision; thus slip one the hot beef, to have sexual intercourse from the male point of view.

[US]J.E. Schmidt Narcotics Lingo and Lore 155: Queen – A female of fluid moral habits who takes [...] beef injections.
[US]‘Joe Block’ The Flasher n.p.: Janet envisioned him getting ready to give her a little beef injection with a two ball compound.
[US]P. Munro Sl. U. 17 4: slip (someone) the hot beef injection / give (someone) the hot beef injection to have sex with (a female).
OnLine Dict. of Playground Sl. 🌐 (hot...) beef injection n. sexual intercourse.

2. a penis.

[US]Eble Campus Sl. Fall 3: Herman the one-eyed German – penis. Also [...] hot beef injection.
[UK]Guardian Guide 29 Jan.–4 Feb. 52: The way men refer to their penises is predictably disheartening: [...] ‘hot beef injection’.
beef-steak (n.)

see sense 3 above.

beef torpedo (n.) (also corned beef torpedo)

(US) the penis; cit. 2004 is using a female pronoun to refer to a man derog.

A. Buzo Tom 52: You were cruising nearby, in your machine, as I think you said, and the old corned beef torpedo suddenly became radio-active, so you thought you’d drop in.
[US]P. Howard State of the Lang. 31: A ‘beef bayonet’ is new slang, with the variant ‘beef torpedo’, for that old totem of slang, the male sexual organ.
[US]J. Ellroy ‘Hot-Prowl Rape-O’ Destination: Morgue! (2004) 297: The studio gonifs gelded her [...] They begged for her beef torpedo.
beef trust (n.) [ironic use of SE beef trust, a conglomerate of beef producers/processors; orig. late 19C carnival use, created by showman W.B. ‘Billy’ Watson (born Isaac Levy; 1852–1945), who thus named his sideshow of grotesquely overweight women, the term was later adopted in his burlesque to describe a chorus-line of notably large girls; Watson also created the chicken trust, composed thin and reportedly beautiful women]

1. (Aus./US) an obese person, a group of obese people.

[Aus]Sport (Adelaide) 24 July 4/3: Sil B. was heard talking fight [...] Be careful Sil. as you are dealing with a mutton man, not a beef trust .
[US]T.A. Dorgan in Zwilling TAD Lex. (1993) 93: The New York Boxing Commission says no. It will allow Tommy to mingle with the beef trust.
[US]J.T. Farrell Gas-House McGinty 190: What about that beef trust you got for a wife?
[US] ‘C.C.C. Chatter’ in AS XV:2 Apr. 211/2: Fat boys belong to the beef trust.
[US]Mezzrow & Wolfe Really the Blues 85: The beef trust was out in full force — These landladies were all shaped like barrels.
[US]Wentworth & Flexner DAS. 🌐 On that runway there was more gorgeous flesh wearing less fabric than has been seen since the bounteous beauties of the ‘Beef Trust’ chorus line in ‘Cabaret’. 🌐 My mother always told me that ‘fat runs in our family. It’s in the genes.’ She had two aunts that were so fat the family called them the ‘national beef trust’.

2. (US) a steak.

[US]Pittsburgh Courier (PA) 17 Jan. 7/8: Jive Dictionary. [...] Beef trust — steak.
beef tube (n.)

(orig. US) the penis.

[US](con. 1950s) H. Junker ‘The Fifties’ in Eisen Age of Rock 2 (1970) 103: Back with the guys, who had probably been [...] pounding or pulling their collective pud, wang, schlong, dong, skin flute, meat horn, beef tube, pecker.
beef-tugging (n.)

see separate entry.

beef-witted (adj.) (also beef-brained)

stupid, simple.

[UK]Nashe Terrors of the Night in Works III (1883–4) 257: Liues there anie such slowe yce-braind beefe-witted gull.
[UK]Shakespeare Troilus and Cressida II i: Thou mongrel beef-witted lord.
O. Feltham Resolves – 2nd Centurie X 26: How haue I seene a Beefe-brain’d fellow (that hath only impudence enough to shew himself a foole) thrust into discourses of wit, thinking to get esteem.
[UK]‘Basilius Musophilus’ Don Zara Del Fogoy 112: O thou inexorable Beef-brained Man.
[UK]Bell’s Life in London 2 Feb. 1/3: Beef-witted country parsons (for the sake of chuckling over a smutty joke) may [do].
[UK]London Standard 4 June 4/5: The author of this assertion is indeed a most beef-witted old fellow.
[UK]Bristol Mercury 2 May 5/6: The leaders of the Tories [...] are like the beef-witted lords in Shakespeare.
[UK]Lancs. Gaz. 12 Jan. 4/4: It is the fashion to compare out agriculturalists to ‘clods’ and ‘oxen’, but in our opinion the Conservatives were but a beef-witted class.
[UK]Western Dly Press 17 Jan. 3/3: In days of old, when might was right, / Each strong-armed, but beef-witted knight [etc.].
[US]Reader 22 Aug. n.p.: This British bull-neckedness, this British beef-wittedness [F&H].
[UK]Burnley Gaz. 24 July 5/2: The dandy laureate of the ‘hupper suckles’ [...] the ‘educator’ of beef-witted squires.
[Scot]Dundee Eve. Teleg. 23 Apr. 4/1: Such a dull, dingy, beef-witted assemblage I never saw equalled.
[UK]Leeds Mercury 23 Apr. 12/2: Excess in animal food is apt to make humanity mutton-headed and beef-witted.
[UK]Cheltenham Chron. 7 Mar. 3/2: In festive mood they are a source of speculation to the beef-witted Anglo-Saxon.
[UK]D.L. Sayers Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club (1977) 246: Gerald [...] is nothing but a beef-witted English squire.
[Scot]Aberdeen jrnl 27 July 6/2: ‘Beef-witted Englishmen’ cannot be reconciled with the advice to ‘Laugh and grow fat’.
[UK]Taunton Courier 20 Dec. 6/6: The twists of the plot brought him up against the beef-witted (or pig-headed?) Chief Constable.

In phrases

aching for a side of beef (adj.)

(US black) of a woman, eager to have sex.

[US](con. 1940s) Deuce Ofay Productions ‘The Jive Bible’ at 🌐 Aching for a side of beef adj. Exigency for the physical pleasure derived only from the sexual attentions of a male and his ‘meat;’ Female horniness (could also be homosexual) ‘Oooh, girl! You know ever since my ace lover left me, I been aching for a side of beef!’.
beef on the hoof (n.)

(US black) available men.

[US]D. Burley N.Y. Amsterdam News 19 Aug. 12A: The grey chick [...] gets it down pat that there’s plenty of beef on the hoof copping a stroll on 7th [avenue].
beefsteak eye (n.)

see separate entry.

beef to the heel (n.)

a bulky, heavy-set woman, usu. of a countrywoman.

[Ire]Joyce Ulysses 63: We did great biz yesterday. Fair day and all the beef to the heels were in.
beef to the heel(s) (adj.) (also beef to the ankle)

bulky, brawny, stocky, esp. of thick, strong legs or thick female ankles.

[Ire]Dublin Eve. Packet 29 May 2/2: The Hon. and learned member for Meath’s simile [...] might go down very well at Mullingar, where men and women were said to be ‘beef to the feels’.
[UK]Coventry Herald 26 May 2/1: ‘Did you niver hear of Mullingar heifers?’ ‘Never.’ ‘Why, you see, the women in West Meath, they say, is thick in the legs [...] and so there’s a saying again thim, ‘You’re beef to the heels like a Mullingar heifer’.
[Ire]Tipperary Free Press 29 Apr. 3/3: I heard a noise in the lane [...] heard complainant call defendant a Mullingar heifer, beef to the heels.
[[UK]R.S. Surtees Hillingdon Hall I 128: Never troubles to look at a woman’s face if she's clumsey and beefey about the pins].
[UK]W.H. Gregory Paddiana 85: Faith, she's a true Mullingar heifer — beef to the heels.
People & Howitt’s Journal of Literature 2 136/2: I discovered aftervards that her ankles were frightfully thick, so thick that in Ireland they would have declared she was like a Mullingar heifer — beef to the heels.
Select Proverbs of All Nations 26: She is like a waterford heifer, beef to the heels — Irish.
[UK]R. Broughton Cometh up as a Flower 205: Dolly was not a fine woman as they say, at all; not beef to the heels, by any means; in a grazier’s eye she would have had no charm whatsoever.
[Ind]H. Hartigan Stray Leaves (2nd ser.) 96: [S]ending some as fine boys from the town [i.e. Mullingar] as need be—and girls, too, with very little beef at their heels, for smarter and cleaner women weren’t in the regiment.
Edwin Waugh Complete Wks 6 265: Mullingar is a famous cattle town. The proverb, ‘She’s beef to the heels, like a Mullingar heifer,’ is not unknown even in England.
[UK]Hartlepool Mail 3 Apr. 3/3: An old saying whih used to be applied to the stout-ankled ladies of the Palatine, namely, ‘Beef to the heels, like a Durham heifer’.
[Aus]Sun. Times (Perth) 27 May 4/7: The wide-hipped, beef-to-the-beels houri who recently exhibited herself in this country [...] calls herself La Milo.
[Ire]L. Doyle Ballygullion (1927) 33: She had her skirts well kilted up for the runnin’, an’ she made no great sight, I can tell ye; for she was beef to the heels like a Mullingar heifer.
[Ire]Joyce Ulysses 379: A skittish heifer, big of her age and beef to the heel.
[UK]J. Cary Herself Surprised (1955) 156: I had known a hundred country girls with the same limbs, and the boys used to call after us all: ‘Beef to the ankle’.
[Ire]B. Behan ‘The Catacombs’ After the Wake 66: What are you? – beef to the heels, like a Mullingar heifer.
beef up (v.) [i.e. to add SE beef / sense 5]

1. (also beef) to strengthen, to improve.

[US]Yale Literary Mag. XXVI 83: (Th.), The first boat in is the winner of the race, so round they turn, and ‘beef her’ for the home stretch [DA].
Associated Press 18 July n.p.: [reporting from Korea] Thousands of Chinese infantrymen swarmed recklessly southward as the Communists boldly beefed up [their own] troops [W&F].
[US]M. Shulman Rally Round the Flag, Boys! (1959) 61: Remember when NBC tried to beef up their Sunday nights with important writers?
[US]F. Elli Riot (1967) 158: The original petition had been beefed-up a bit.
[US](con. 1940s) M. Dibner Admiral (1968) 444: Midway’s beefed up with enough fighters and B-17s.
[US]R. Sabbag Snowblind (1978) 112: A staff which was beefed up to 2,200 during the first year of its operation.
[US](con. 1967) E. Spencer Welcome to Vietnam (1989) 78: At one point the Corps tries to beef up security on the hills by bringing in guard dogs.
[UK]Guardian Guide 26 June–2 July 53: A minor British thriller beefed up with a second-rate American leading man.
[UK]Guardian G2 20 Mar. 7: A couple of pitbulls to beef up his image.
[UK]Eve. Standard 9 May 19/1: Universities are to be told to beef up their efforts against campus extremism.

2. to put on weight and/or muscles.

[US]M. Spillane Long Wait (1954) 63: I like them smart and beefed up so they don’t have to wear any padding in their suits.
[US]Source Nov. 43: Ving Rhames is beefing up for his role as Sonny Liston.
[US]C. Stella Charlie Opera 101: You get all beefed like that and somebody puts two behind your ear [...] You’re as dead as a ninety-pound weakling would be.
be in a woman’s beef (v.)

to have sexual intercourse with a woman.

[UK]Covent Garden Mag. Dec. 234/1: To church they both went, and the parson in brief, / Saids grace for the butcher to be in her beef.
Rattle in Bold (1979) 44: Then down on his marrow-bones begged for relief, / For ah! he was dying to be in her beef.
[UK]Grose Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue (2nd, 3rd edn).
[Scot] ‘Wha the Deil can Hinder the Wind to Blaw?’ in Burns Merry Muses of Caledonia (1965) 181: But he wan a quarter in her beef, / For a’ the jirts the carlin gae.
[UK]Lex. Balatronicum.
[UK]‘Jon Bee’ Dict. of the Turf, the Ring, the Chase, etc. 8: ‘In her beef,’ in a woman’s secrets.
[UK]‘Mr Pluck, the Leadenhall Butcher’ in Funny Songster in Spedding & Watt (eds) Bawdy Songbooks (2011) III 43: Then down on his marrow-bones begg’d for relief, / For ah! he was dying to be in her beef.
bury one’s beef (v.)

(US) of a man, to have sexual intercourse.

[US]P. Hamill Deadly Piece 208: Come on, Briscoe, let’s make her really groan [...] Let’s bury our beef. In her.
cream one’s beef (v.)

to masturbate.

Desdemona at 🌐 Occasionally, Baxter would rub himself while she talked, but only through his clothes, and he never once creamed his beef.
[NZ]Number One Adult Sexual Health Terms Advisor 🌐 Masturbation Slang Male Terms: [...] cream your corn/beef/jeans.
put on beef (v.)

to put on weight.

Men’s Fitness Oct. 🌐 While some ice jockeys, typically the team pugilist, will put on beef, most don’t. ‘If you get too muscular, your body will fight the check when you get hit into the boards,’ Oates says.
put some beef into it (v.)

to make a physical effort; often as excl. put some beef into it!

[UK]Kent & Sussex Courier 6 Aug. 18/3: They were all very good sports [...] but they certainly seemed to put more beef into their playing.
G. Cashmore ‘Newsletter’ Issue 588 of North London Society of Model Engineers 🌐 Poor Arden Marchant was told when drilling ‘come on laddie put some beef into it, we haven’t got all day’.
tame the shrew (v.)

to masturbate.

[US]quinnelk T. Rex’s Guide to Life 🌐 Okay, since people don’t want to actually say the m-word and the chicken and monkey phrases have been used to death on MTV, I thought it would be my duty to provide you with a bevy of other useful terminology that may be helpful in this area: [...] taming the shrew.