1943 Bayler & Carnes Last Man Off Wake Island 316: The stuff the major had was inscribed with a bald-headed lie to the effect that each note was worth a half-guilder.at bald-headed, adj.
1943 Bayler & Carnes Last Man Off Wake Island 120: Our volunteer pot-walloper heated up the remainder of last night’s coffee or ‘boiler compound,’ as it was more commonly known.at boiler acid (n.) under boiler, n.1
1943 Bayler & Carnes Last Man Off Wake Island 123: The boys would come over and we’d ‘shoot the breeze’ in long bull-fests.at shoot the breeze (v.) under breeze, n.1
1943 Bayler & Carnes Last Man Off Wake Island 123: The boys would come over and we’d ‘shoot the breeze’ in long bull-fests.at bullfest (n.) under bull, n.6
1943 Bayler & Carnes Last Man Off Wake Island 197: We had the company of another vessel on the voyage to Hawaii, both of us under escort of a ‘can’ — disrespectful term for destroyer.at can, n.1
1943 Bayler & Carnes Last Man Off Wake Island 66: The enemy might try [...] landing machine-gun units and tommy-gun artists to knock us off in a Japanese jiffy.at gun artist (n.) under gun, n.1
1943 Bayler & Carnes Last Man Off Wake Island 300: Kerwallop on the ground.at kerswallop! (excl.) under ker-, pfx
1943 Bayler & Carnes Last Man Off Wake Island 340: On land, too, the Nippers were again shifting their weight around this area.at Nip, n.
1943 Bayler & Carnes Last Man Off Wake Island 293: The raid simply ‘tore the rag off the bush’ so far as my lofty radio station on Pagoda Hill was concerned.at take the rag off the bush (v.) under rag, n.1
1943 Bayler & Carnes Last Man Off Wake Island 123: The boys would come over and we’d ‘shoot the breeze’ in long bull-fests.at shoot the breeze (v.) under shoot, v.
1943 Bayler & Carnes Last Man Off Wake Island 274: A sweet mess they made of our belongings.at sweet, adj.1
1943 Bayler & Carnes Last Man Off Wake Island 90: [a pilot] ‘Upsydaisy!’ cried Elrod.at upsadaisy!, excl.
1943 Bayler & Carnes Last Man Off Wake Island 241: He had told my informant that he ‘just winged a few.’.at wing, v.