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Outside In choose

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[NZ] H. Beaton Outside In I i: kate: Jesus Christ! Someone’s gonna get it! sandy: An’ how!
at and how!, excl.
[NZ] H. Beaton Outside In Act II: sandy: ARSELICKER! DOG! CUNT! kate: PIG FUCKER!!!
at arse-licker (n.) under arse-lick, v.
[NZ] H. Beaton Outside In I i: Tin arse!
at tin-arse, n.
[NZ] H. Beaton Outside In I i: A fucken soap up! Foam from arse’ole to breakfast!
at from arsehole to breakfast (time) under arsehole, n.
[NZ] H. Beaton Outside In I i: Fuck me! They’ll have her arse!
at have someone’s ass under ass, n.
[NZ] H. Beaton Outside In Act II: Start foolin’ around with traffic and you’ll be right back on your arse! In the digger!
at on one’s ass under ass, n.
[NZ] H. Beaton Outside In I i: Told he the new chick was gettin’ on me nerves. Bad mouthin’ me work.
at badmouth, v.
[NZ] H. Beaton Outside In Act II: Balls! I was sick of the lot of you.
at balls!, excl.
[NZ] H. Beaton Outside In I i: Next time He’s gonna get His fucken beans.
at get beans (v.) under beans, n.2
[NZ] H. Beaton Outside In I ii: kate: You got some? ma: None of your beeswax.
at beeswax, n.2
[NZ] H. Beaton Outside In I ii: Y’got any biccies Ma? I’m starvin’.
at bikkie, n.
[NZ] H. Beaton Outside In Act II: di: Here. She throws it to kate intending her to miss, but she just catches it. Smart bitch! kate: Cunt!
at bitch, n.1
[NZ] H. Beaton Outside In I i: Y’wouldn’t fucken bleat on us, would you, Ma?
at bleat, v.
[NZ] H. Beaton Outside In I i: Ginny yelled, ‘Like fuck ya didn’t!’ an’ up an’ rushes this chick, like she was gunna blow her lights out.
at blow out someone’s light(s) (v.) under blow out, v.1
[NZ] H. Beaton Outside In Act II: We spend the whole fucken time bludgin’ filters off the dipsticks that come.
at bludge, v.
[NZ] H. Beaton Outside In Act II: sandy: Blue movies? ginny: Yeah. Had a film on VD. Fascinatin’! Put you off eatin’ sausage, Kate!
at blue, adj.3
[NZ] H. Beaton Outside In I i: Cowface was boilin’, boy.
at boiling, adj.
[NZ] H. Beaton Outside In I ii: A drop of the Ol’ Boob Blue!
at boob blue (n.) under boob, n.1
[NZ] H. Beaton Outside In I ii: That’s an ol’ boob joke. Been round longer than I have.
at boob, adj.
[NZ] H. Beaton Outside In I ii: Not me boy. No way.
at boy, n.2
[NZ] H. Beaton Outside In I i: Buggers!
at bugger!, excl.
[NZ] H. Beaton Outside In I ii: We’ve had some bummers on peroxide.
at bummer, n.4
[NZ] H. Beaton Outside In Act II: Pity, could’ve got a few goodies for Chrissie.
at chrissie, n.2
[NZ] H. Beaton Outside In I i: You’da thought she woulda cooled it for a bit. ’Till the heat was off.
at cool it, v.
[NZ] H. Beaton Outside In Act II: Fucken crawlers.
at crawler, n.
[NZ] H. Beaton Outside In Act II: That was before I went to Sydney, to the Cross.
at Cross, the, n.
[NZ] H. Beaton Outside In I ii: She had a cunt of a job.
at cunt, n.
[NZ] H. Beaton Outside In Act II: I need some stuff. I’m cuttin’ up bad.
at cut up rough, v.
[NZ] H. Beaton Outside In I ii: She don’t mean a sugar daddy, darl.
at darl, n.
[NZ] H. Beaton Outside In Act II: di: We talked, that’s all. ginny: About what? Me? Deadshit me?
at dead shit (n.) under dead, adj.
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