at ...Larry under happy as..., adj.
at beat the band (v.) under band, n.2
at by-blow, n.
at on the booze under booze, n.
at buckle down (v.) under buckle, v.
at bugger, n.1
at shut one’s choke (v.) under choke, n.1
at cow juice (n.) under cow, n.1
at curate, n.
at doxy, n.
at gaga, n.1
at gush, n.2
at gut-rot (n.) under gut, n.
at hang up one’s fiddle (v.) under hang up one’s..., v.
at hokey-pokey man (n.) under hokey-pokey, n.3
at necessary house, n.
at jackeen, n.
at Joe Miller, n.
at kaput, adj.
at leather bum (n.) under leather, adj.
at look slippy! (excl.) under look, v.
at moneybag(s) (n.) under money, n.
at p.g., n.1
at rubber room (n.) under rubber, adj.
at shoot one’s bolt (v.) under shoot, v.
at now you’re talking under talk, v.
at tripe, n.2
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