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Young People’s Pride choose

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[US] S.V. Benét Young People’s Pride 50: They aren’t quite smart-alecky enough.
at smart-aleck, adj.
[US] S.V. Benét Young People’s Pride 199: I’ll write you a charming bread-and-butter letter of course.
at bread and butter letter (n.) under bread-and-butter, adj.
[US] S.V. Benét Young People’s Pride 60: You mean you were asleep, you big cheese!
at big cheese, n.
[US] S.V. Benét Young People’s Pride 173: Oh dammit, you know how blasted sorry I am.
at blasted, adj.1
[US] S.V. Benét Young People’s Pride 135: The brutal quarrel with Nancy. The rush to the nearest blind-tiger. The debauch.
at blind tiger, n.
[US] S.V. Benét Young People’s Pride 9: I bet his book’ll be a cuckoo, then.
at cuckoo, n.1
[US] S.V. Benét Young People’s Pride 17: When you haven’t any money you can’t go to parties in New York unless you raise gravy riding to a fine art.
at ride the gravy train (v.) under gravy train, n.
[US] S.V. Benét Young People’s Pride 175: Good Lord – Paris! Why you lucky, lucky Indian!
at Indian, n.
[US] S.V. Benét Young People’s Pride 207: He babbled with the returning jazzers for a quarter of an hour.
at jazzer, n.1
[US] S.V. Benét Young People’s Pride 139: Winslow’s got a kid cousin he wants to put in here.
at kid, adj.1
[US] S.V. Benét Young People’s Pride 14: All you have to do is sell your serial rights. After that – pie.
at pie, n.
[US] S.V. Benét Young People’s Pride 190: There’s one thing I can’t do – and that is get away with a thing like that on false pretences – I’d rather shoot the works on one roll and crap than use the sort of dice that behave.
at shoot the works (v.) under shoot, v.
[US] S.V. Benét Young People’s Pride 201: I’m not slamming Peter’s sympathetic soul.
at slam, v.1
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