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Queen Lucia choose

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[UK] E.F. Benson Queen Lucia (1984) 141: Chance it then [...] Just tell your maid to say nothing about it.
at chance it (v.) under chance, v.
[UK] E.F. Benson Queen Lucia (1984) 98: It is ‘diffy,’ as Georgie would say, to know what a staggerer is.
at diffy, adj.
[UK] E.F. Benson Queen Lucia (1984) 86: Pass the fizz.
at fizz, n.1
[UK] E.F. Benson Queen Lucia 65: The discussion [...] on the subject of having an unknown Indian staying with them [...] was opened... ‘Well, now, about this Golliwog—haha—I should say Guru’.
at golly, n.2
[UK] E.F. Benson Queen Lucia (1984) 166: I had an excellent supper [...] and I enjoyed it very much. Besides, I saw Pepino tucking in like anything.
at tuck in, v.
[UK] E.F. Benson Queen Lucia (1984) 183: Lor, ma’am, it’s none of they – not them great folks.
at lor!, excl.
[UK] E.F. Benson Queen Lucia (1984) 241: That’ll make eight, which is more than Foljambe likes, but she must lump it.
at lump, v.1
[UK] E.F. Benson Queen Lucia (1984) 85: ‘Lord! What a lark!’ she said. ‘Georgie, it’s the most ripping lark!’.
at ripping, adj.
[UK] E.F. Benson Queen Lucia (1984) 130: He has made such sillies of you all.
at silly, n.1
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