at not give a damn, v.
at treat, a, adv.
at above oneself, adj.
at dock-and-doris, n.
at angle, v.
at ask for it (v.) under ask, v.
at get at, v.
at Tommy Atkins, n.
at half a bar (n.) under bar, n.1
at barney, n.1
at barney, n.2
at barney, adj.1
at barrack, v.
at barrel, n.1
at not a bean (n.) under bean, n.1
at full of beans (adj.) under beans, n.3
at beaver, n.1
at benzine buggy, n.
at billycock, n.
at I’ll be blowed! (excl.) under blowed, adj.1
at blunt, n.1
at bob, n.3
at order of the boot (n.) under boot, the, n.
at where the bottle got the cork under bottle, n.1
at bow-wow, n.
at boys, the, n.
at broads, n.
at brother (of the) brush (n.) under brother (of the)..., n.
at buck, n.1
at bud, n.2
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