1898 A.J. Boyd Shellback 265: Ef I had him down south, I could paint him black and sell him for a buck nigger.at buck nigger (n.) under buck, adj.1
1898 A.J. Boyd Shellback 150: Guess he’d have been laid out and ready for the cold meat box by now.at cold meat box (n.) under cold meat, n.
1898 A.J. Boyd Shellback 224: Having complied with our considerate commander’s request to cool our coppers, we made a bow and got on deck.at cool one’s coppers (v.) under cool, v.2
1898 A.J. Boyd Shellback 16: I ought to be marled in a blue coat [...] with a tall complexioned hat and a ‘d--n my eyes’ necktie.at damn-your-eyes (adj.) under damn, v.
1898 A.J. Boyd Shellback 323: He [...] gives her a dollar or two, and straightway falls into the snares of another, although he swears that Dolly Mops isn’t going to send him to sea again before his time.at dollymop, n.
1898 A.J. Boyd Shellback 127: He was [...] a regular ‘down Easter,’ from Connecticut.at Down-easter, n.
1898 A.J. Boyd Shellback 78: ‘Great Caesar’s ghost!’ I exclaimed.at great Caesar! (excl.) under great...!, excl.
1898 A.J. Boyd Shellback 153: I’ll lay it on to you, my joker! I’ll make you smell h-ll before another ten minutes.at smell hell (v.) under hell, n.
1898 A.J. Boyd Shellback 345: The men declared that the first officer who laid a hand on them or ‘jagged’ them would be shot, or ‘spilled in the drink’.at jag, v.2
1898 A.J. Boyd Shellback 24: He must [...] know his duty ‘up to the knocker’.at up to the knocker under knocker, n.1
1898 A.J. Boyd Shellback 369: The only effects are to make the skipper’s temper unbearable [...] and to procure for the boys what is known as ‘monkey’s allowance’ – more kicks that halfpence.at monkey’s allowance (n.) under monkey, n.
1898 A.J. Boyd Shellback 349: That is all nonsense, and may go down on the stage or in ‘Penny Dreadfuls’.at penny dreadful (n.) under penny, n.
1898 A.J. Boyd Shellback 54: ‘By the piper!’ he said. ‘This beats me.’.at by the piper (that played before Moses)! (excl.) under piper, n.4
1898 A.J. Boyd Shellback 24: On board a Yankee ship he must be a regular ‘ring-tailed roarer’.at ringtailed snorter, n.
1898 A.J. Boyd Shellback 191: What he don’t know in the way of workin’ up a crew of scowbankers ain’t worth knowing. [Ibid.] 229: You white-livered ’longshore loafers! You ---- mutineering scowbankers!at scowbanker, n.
1898 A.J. Boyd Shellback 325: He knew his work, and was a thoroughgoing old shellback, although only about thirty years of age.at shell-back (n.) under shell, n.
1898 A.J. Boyd Shellback 267: Perhaps you’d like soft tack and roast turkey?at soft tack (n.) under tack, n.1