Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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The Frank C. Brown Collection of North Carolina Folklore choose

Quotation Text

[US] F.C. Brown North Carolina Folklore 1 517: Back-talk, insolent reply. ‘Don’t give me no back-jaw, big boy!’ .
at back-jaw, n.
[US] in F.C. Brown North Carolina Folklore.
at balahack, v.
[US] F.C. Brown North Carolina Folklore 1 521: Booger at [...] To start at from fright (?) [...] ‘The horse kinda boogered at him.’.
at booger, v.1
[US] Brown North Carolina Folklore I 524: Bumswiggle . . . to surprise.
at bumswiggled, adj.
[US] F.C. Brown North Carolina Folklore 1 524: Buss-head [...] Illicit whiskey .
at busthead (n.) under bust, v.1
[US] F.C. Brown North Carolina Folklore 1 520: Big-butt [...] An aristocrat, a ‘bigwig,’ ‘bigbug’.
at big butt (n.) under butt, n.1
[US] F.C. Brown North Carolina Folklore 1 525: Catface [...] A wrinkle or pucker in clothing ironed when too dry .
at catface (n.) under cat, n.1
[US] F.C. Brown North Carolina Folklore 1 539: Feather up to [...] To show fight. ‘He feathered up to them big fellers ecchin’ (itching) for a fight.’ .
at feather up (v.) under feather, n.
[US] in F.C. Brown North Carolina Folklore III 366–7: Fry a little meat, and make a little gravy, / Hug my wife and kiss my baby.
at gravy, n.
[US] in F.C. Brown North Carolina Folklore III 366–7: Fry a little meat, and make a little gravy, / Hug my wife and kiss my baby.
at meat, n.
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