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Erections, Ejaculations, Exhibitions and General Tales of Ordinary Madness choose

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[US] C. Bukowski Erections, Ejaculations etc. 56: There wasn’t a nicer city in the world when you had it made, only one worse when you didn’t [...] the Big A.
at Big A, n.
[US] C. Bukowski Erections, Ejaculations etc. 127: The little guys always get it in the ass [...] That’s history.
at get it in the ass under ass, n.
[US] C. Bukowski Erections, Ejaculations etc. 228: Ya need a little love? I can go in the back door for you.
at go up the back door (v.) under back-door, n.
[US] C. Bukowski Erections, Ejaculations etc. 442: A bad trip? This whole country, this whole world is on a bad trip, friend, but they’ll arrest you for swallowing a tablet.
at bad trip (n.) under bad, adj.
[US] C. Bukowski Erections, Ejaculations etc. 257: He’d been down in the hole forever [...] he was the warden’s pet bad actor.
at bad actor (n.) under bad, adj.
[US] C. Bukowski Erections, Ejaculations etc. 113: I was done ahead of time – baked, fucked, screwed-out, nothing left.
at baked, adj.
[US] C. Bukowski Erections, Ejaculations etc. 73: You’ve given out more blue balls than a silver Christmas tree in Disneyland.
at blue balls (n.) under balls, n.
[US] C. Bukowski Erections, Ejaculations etc. 68: You crazy bat [...] I swear I’m going to kill you!
at bat, n.1
[US] C. Bukowski Erections, Ejaculations etc. 114: I lit a cig, stood up, scratched my beer-gut and walked out.
at beer gut (n.) under beer, n.
[US] C. Bukowski Erections, Ejaculations etc. 306: If you come on me a THIRD TIME, I promise you this – I’m going to belt you out.
at belt out (v.) under belt, v.
[US] C. Bukowski Erections, Ejaculations etc. 142: And there was the Big C. Big H. And Hash. Mary. Name it.
at big H, n.
[US] C. Bukowski Erections, Ejaculations etc. 142: And there was the Big C. Big H. And Hash. Mary. Name it.
at big C, n.
[US] C. Bukowski Erections, Ejaculations etc. 31: The top of my head bumped The Man in the Boat and then Sarah would [...] moan.
at little man (in the boat), n.
[US] C. Bukowski Erections, Ejaculations etc. 140: The guy went both ways – I mean he fucked men and women and was fucked by men and women.
at go both ways (v.) under both ways, adj.
[US] C. Bukowski Erections, Ejaculations etc. 398: High heels, long nylon stockings, the mini way up around her butt, and she was built.
at built, adj.
[US] C. Bukowski Erections, Ejaculations etc. 55: I want to bunghole you, you got those big cheeks.
at bunghole, v.
[US] C. Bukowski Erections, Ejaculations etc. 224: Yeah, Bukowski was burned good by little Flo.
at burn, v.
[US] C. Bukowski Erections, Ejaculations etc. 408: Their husbands had caught them doing the business with other men.
at business, n.
[US] C. Bukowski Erections, Ejaculations . . . 383: The beer ran out and I had to take a shit [...] I finished my business and walked back in.
at business, n.
[US] C. Bukowski Erections, Ejaculations etc. 67: I could hear them babbling and buzzing in there, buzzing and babbling.
at buzz, v.1
[US] C. Bukowski Erections, Ejaculations etc. 414: Before I cash in I hope to make it in the straw.
at cash in, v.
[US] C. Bukowski Erections, Ejaculations etc. 30: You drink that cheapass wine.
at cheap-ass (adj.) under cheap, adj.
[US] C. Bukowski Erections, Ejaculations etc. 73: You’ve been selling that clapped hole of yours [...] for 30 years.
at clapped, adj.
[US] C. Bukowski Erections, Ejaculations etc. 410: The cruisers were around. Guys with cars [who would] whisk our fine and helpless ladies away from us.
at cruiser, n.
[US] C. Bukowski Erections, Ejaculations etc. 73: My pulsating and giant sexual organ [..] it looked like I had a cucumber under there.
at cucumber, n.2
[US] C. Bukowski Erections, Ejaculations etc. 118: Janitors who picked up women’s cuntrags in the crappers had more soul.
at cunt-rag (n.) under cunt, n.
[US] C. Bukowski Erections, Ejaculations etc. 271: We saw [Joe] Louis get dumped by the Dutchman [i.e. Max Schmeling].
at dump, v.
[US] C. Bukowski Erections, Ejaculations etc. 53: When a man gets old enough, trapped enough [...] he’ll suck dick, tit, eat shit to stay alive.
at eat shit, v.
[US] C. Bukowski Erections, Ejaculations etc. 63: We need an eye opener!
at eye-opener, n.1
[US] C. Bukowski Erections, Ejaculations etc. 441: LSD can flake you too [...] bad acid like bad whores can take you out.
at flake, v.1
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