1850 ‘Ned Buntline’ G’hals of N.Y. 59: He entered a doggery, and with all the nonchalance of a veteran drinker, asked for a Tom-and-Jerry.at tom and jerry, n.1
1850 ‘Ned Buntline’ G’hals of N.Y. 198: Bah! [...] when they heard that I had become a professional thief, did it affect or touch me?at bah!, excl.
1850 ‘Ned Buntline’ G’hals of N.Y. 78: ‘Me misse’s name, is it?’ [...] replied the Biddy, with a low, cunning leer.at biddy, n.2
1850 ‘Ned Buntline’ G’hals of N.Y. 181: An’ as for that ere Jule, if she isn’t a perfect bird-ee, then I wouldn’t say so!at bird, n.1
1850 ‘Ned Buntline’ G’hals of N.Y. 23: I never cried when father and mother died, nor when the Black Maria carted ’em away.at Black Maria, n.
1850 ‘Ned Buntline’ G’hals of N.Y. 62: They were flush, and likely to be very easily bled.at bleed, v.1
1850 ‘Ned Buntline’ G’hals of N.Y. 76: An’ that’s jis’ the way it is now all over this blessed world.at blessed, adj.
1850 ‘Ned Buntline’ G’hals of N.Y. 197: ‘You’re a blower – a shyster – a fou-fou!’ said Ralph, contemptuously.at blower, n.2
1850 ‘Ned Buntline’ G’hals of N.Y. 198: Now that I have reasoned you out of the blues, let’s wet with a little red-eye!at blues, n.1
1850 ‘Ned Buntline’ G’hals of N.Y. 16: There aint no use in tryin’ to bluff it off. [Ibid.] 135: In the belief that he had ‘bluffed off’ the b’hoy’s idea of ever getting back his money.at bluff, v.
1850 ‘Ned Buntline’ G’hals of N.Y. 67: ’Cause I aint one of them softies wot blow upon themselves. No sir-ree, horse! [Ibid.] 131: I haven’t forgot you – I haven’t. No, siree!at no siree (bob)!, excl.
1850 ‘Ned Buntline’ G’hals of N.Y. 181: If they can look once on this duck, and not rear up jist as a mare does when she sees a splendid young stud rolling up, then my tailor’ll get booted for not havin’ done his duty – that’s all!at boot, v.1
1850 ‘Ned Buntline’ G’hals of N.Y. 65: The unlucky tars, half dead and stupefied with the poisoned liquor they had drank, as well as the punishment they had received at the hands of the bruisers.at bruiser, n.
1850 ‘Ned Buntline’ G’hals of N.Y. 40: You’ll tell the cap’n [...] that when he sees me again, he’ll have a fellow to perpose.at cap’n, n.
1850 ‘Ned Buntline’ G’hals of N.Y. 135: As to the way in which yer emptied my pockets – yes; but not as to the time nor manner when you will restore the cheese!at cheese, n.1
1850 ‘Ned Buntline’ G’hals of N.Y. 143: For my part, whenever I do a thing, I always like to do it clean!at clean, adv.
1850 ‘Ned Buntline’ G’hals of N.Y. 209: It was a clean operation, and worthy, in a professional point of view, of a first-class cracksman.at clean, adj.
1850 ‘Ned Buntline’ G’hals of N.Y. 69: He lives tall, and can afford to come down very handsome, I dare say.at come down, v.1
1850 ‘Ned Buntline’ G’hals of N.Y. 131: Oh, yer can’t come no such shyster game as that over me.at come over, v.2
1850 ‘Ned Buntline’ G’hals of N.Y. 17: Do you want me ter lay off and take it cool, while we’re all a-starvin’?at take it cool (v.) under cool, adv.
1850 ‘Ned Buntline’ G’hals of N.Y. 209: It was a clean operation, and worthy, in a professional point of view, of a first-class cracksman.at cracksman, n.1
1850 ‘Ned Buntline’ G’hals of N.Y. 139: To leave it, would be a certain loss to you, for, as I said before, the stars would be sure to crib it.at crib, v.1
1850 ‘Ned Buntline’ G’hals of N.Y. 41: Cussed if I don’t put into it strong, and ’stonish ’em! [Ibid.] 73: ‘Cuss it!’ he muttered.at cuss, v.
1850 ‘Ned Buntline’ G’hals of N.Y. 74: He decided on learning to whom he owed the favor of being thus handsomely diddled.at diddle, v.2
1850 ‘Ned Buntline’ G’hals of N.Y. 140: He was in the act of being very handsomely taken in and done for by one of the most accomplished of modern Jeremy Diddlers.at diddler, n.2
1850 ‘Ned Buntline’ G’hals of N.Y. 140: He was in the act of being very handsomely taken in and done for by one of the most accomplished modern Jeremy Diddlers.at do for, v.