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Alice In La-La Land choose

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[US] R. Campbell Alice in La-La Land (1999) 183: ‘You wearing cotton panties?’ ‘Is the pope a Polack?’.
at does a bear shit in the woods? Is the pope (a) Catholic?, phr.
[US] R. Campbell Alice in La-La Land (1999) 125: We made like it was fun hanging out together.
at make like (a)..., v.
[US] R. Campbell Alice in La-La Land (1999) 57: A security agency that provided rent-a-cops for parties.
at rent-a-, pfx
[US] R. Campbell Alice in La-La Land (1999) 79: But can it sit on your lap, Bernie? [...] Has it got good legs? Can it cop your joint on the lunch hour?
at cop a joint (v.) under cop a..., v.
[US] R. Campbell Alice in La-La Land (1999) 120: He watched her action as she walked through the arch to the rest rooms. He couldn’t help himself. No man could help himself from watching that action.
at action, n.
[US] R. Campbell Alice in La-La Land (1999) 169: If it’s a quick trick, I wait to drive you back. If it’s an all-nighter [i.e. paid sexual encounter], I cop a sneak, you get home [...] any way you can.
at all-nighter, n.
[US] R. Campbell Alice in La-La Land (1999) 98: For Christ’s sake, this is a town full of alley cats.
at alley cat, n.
[US] R. Campbell Alice in La-La Land (1999) 64: So never mind rugs [...] Let’s talk about tits and ass.
at tits and ass, n.
[US] R. Campbell Alice in La-La Land (1999) 50: He gives away two hundred bucks just for the pleasure of sticking it up my ass for five seconds.
at stick it up someone’s ass under ass, n.
[US] R. Campbell Alice in La-La Land (1999) 128: Some junior ass-kisser came up with the idea of the network financing a three-feature production deal.
at ass-kisser, n.
[US] R. Campbell Alice in La-La Land (1999) 16: My stepmother [...] Crossin’ the street, on the arm of some ragbag.
at rag bag, n.
[US] R. Campbell Alice in La-La Land (1999) 44: A whore he picked up from the stroll right out there. A punching bag.
at punching bag, n.
[US] R. Campbell Alice in La-La Land (1999) 121: Hey, what’re you getting your balls in an uproar, babe?
at get one’s balls in an uproar (v.) under balls, n.
[US] R. Campbell Alice in La-La Land (1999) 38: Twelvetrees pretended she wasn’t even standing there, her old biddy-bosom practically leaning on his neck.
at biddy, n.2
[US] R. Campbell Alice in La-La Land (1999) 97: Roger was just a small-time comic [...] trying to figure out which of the big-timers he should imitate.
at big-timer (n.) under big time, n.1
[US] R. Campbell Alice in La-La Land (1999) 4: The sodomite spoke. ‘You’re a birdie and I’m going to have your ass.’.
at birdie, n.2
[US] R. Campbell Alice in La-La Land (1999) 130: He thought he’d use the bit to define a character in a screenplay some day.
at bit, n.1
[US] R. Campbell Alice in La-La Land (1999) 18: You don’t have to do the Sir Walter Raleigh bit for me, Whistler.
at bit, n.1
[US] R. Campbell Alice in La-La Land (1999) 105: Jokes that just missed turning blue.
at blue, adj.3
[US] R. Campbell Alice in La-La Land (1999) 71: Benny the Booster, a hustler who sent shoddy merchandise that had never been ordered to names and addresses harvested out of the reverse directory.
at booster, n.2
[US] R. Campbell Alice in La-La Land (1999) 189: How come you’re walking around looking like a faggot? Hey, you’re not a bull dyker, are you?
at bull-dyker, n.
[US] R. Campbell Alice in La-La Land (1999) 96: She’s a little bun, isn’t she? [...] A little bun. A honey bun. Little raisin eyes. Sweet icing lips.
at bun, n.1
[US] R. Campbell Alice in La-La Land (1999) 193: I can burn you right on the spot. I’ll say I came down here [...] and shot you when you pulled a gun on me.
at burn, v.
[US] R. Campbell Alice in La-La Land (1999) 125: Plastics closed down all but a few [factories] in the seventies, but Daddy was bust before that, so it wasn’t much to worry about.
at bust, adj.
[US] R. Campbell Alice in La-La Land (1999) 102: We’re talking about me selling blow jobs on the street like a candy butcher.
at butcher, n.2
[US] R. Campbell Alice in La-La Land (1999) 198: You arrest a hooker by the name of Eleanora Reinbeck [...] you got introduced while she’s in the cage.
at cage, n.
[US] R. Campbell Alice in La-La Land (1999) 53: The urge to come out of the closet and go fagging only comes on him every so often.
at come out of the closet (v.) under closet, n.
[US] R. Campbell Alice in La-La Land (1999) 53: He was a middle-aged closet pervert [i.e. a transvestite] from over in the Valley.
at closet, adj.
[US] R. Campbell Alice in La-La Land (1999) 129: Bama was twenty-seven and a comer. His foot was on the ladder.
at comer, n.
[US] R. Campbell Alice in La-La Land (1999) 194: I hope I ain’t going to conk out from a heart attack.
at conk (out), v.
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