at cop a plea, v.
at pull a — act (v.) under act, n.
at batty, adj.1
at beanpole, n.
at big boy, n.
at big sleep (n.) under big, adj.
at blast, v.1
at boot, v.1
at bootlegger, n.
at bop, v.
at bounce, v.1
at bump(-off), n.
at buttoned up, adj.
at buzzard, n.
at cabbage, n.2
at cheesehead, n.
at Chicago overcoat (n.) under Chicago, adj.
at chirp, v.
at click, v.3
at come-on, n.
at cough up, v.
at crab, v.
at crack, v.2
at wing-ding, n.
at drop the hook on (v.) under drop, v.1
at eggheaded, adj.1
at put the eye on (v.) under eye, n.
at fox around (v.) under fox, n.1
at frau, n.
at front for (v.) under front, v.2
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