1939 R. Chandler Big Sleep 101: You’re going to cop a plea, brother, don’t ever think you’re not.at cop a plea, v.
1939 R. Chandler Big Sleep 122: He pulls the dumb act because he thinks we wouldn’t expect him to pull the dumb play.at pull a — act (v.) under act, n.
1939 R. Chandler Big Sleep 164: I think the big boys have told Puss Walgreen to move on.at big boy, n.
1939 R. Chandler Big Sleep 220: And in a little while he too, like Rusty Regan would be sleeping the big sleep.at big sleep (n.) under big, adj.
1939 R. Chandler Big Sleep 30: He [...] straightened up as if somebody had booted him from behind.at boot, v.1
1939 R. Chandler Big Sleep 16: An ex-bootlegger, who went in the trade by the name of Rusty Regan.at bootlegger, n.
1939 R. Chandler Big Sleep 187: He’s whatever looks good to him, whatever has the cabbage pinned to it.at cabbage, n.2
1939 R. Chandler Big Sleep 83: My God [...] You let this cheese-head sit there and insult me, Joe?at cheesehead, n.
1939 R. Chandler Big Sleep 170: ‘Go ahead and blast and see what it gets you.’ ‘A Chicago overcoat is what it would get you, little man.’.at Chicago overcoat (n.) under Chicago, adj.
1939 R. Chandler Big Sleep 119: He married General Sternmwood’s eldest daughter and [...] they didn’t click.at click, v.3
1939 R. Chandler Big Sleep 168: Sure, a guy could sit on his fanny and crab what another guy done if he knows what it’s all about.at crab, v.
1939 R. Chandler Big Sleep 81: The sucker list I spoke of is in code. I haven’t cracked it yet.at crack, v.2
1939 R. Chandler Big Sleep 213: She threw a wingding. Looked like a mild epileptic fit to me.at wing-ding, n.
1939 R. Chandler Big Sleep 127: I hoped that the next grifter who dropped the hook on her would play her a little more smoothly.at drop the hook on (v.) under drop, v.1
1939 R. Chandler Big Sleep 107: So all you did was not report a murder [...] and then spend today foxing around so that this kid of Geiger’s could commit a second murder.at fox around (v.) under fox, n.1
1939 R. Chandler Big Sleep 122: There could be people who would know he was sweet on Eddie Mars’s frau.at frau, n.