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[US] R. Chandler ‘Blackmailers Don’t Shoot’ in Red Wind (1946) 115: You don’t care a thin dime about Landrey, now he’s dead.
at not care a cent, v.
[US] R. Chandler ‘Blackmailers Don’t Shoot’ in Red Wind (1946) 115: You aced yourself backwards when you let Landrey pack those letters around with him.
at ace, v.
[US] R. Chandler ‘Blackmailers Don’t Shoot’ in Red Wind (1946) 87: What does your little act mean?
at act, n.
[US] R. Chandler ‘Blackmailers Don’t Shoot’ in Red Wind (1946) 105: Atkinson has been bleeding me for years, one way and another.
at bleed, v.1
[US] R. Chandler ‘Blackmailers Don’t Shoot’ in Red Wind (1946) 103: Mallory looked at Costello, and said in a strained, angry voice: ‘Boy, are you lucky!’.
at boy!, excl.
[US] R. Chandler ‘Blackmailers Don’t Shoot’ in Red Wind (1946) 107: You know how the law boys love my sort.
at boys, the, n.
[US] R. Chandler ‘Blackmailers Don’t Shoot’ in Red Wind (1946) 88: Can it. You’re not funny.
at can it (v.) under can, v.
[US] R. Chandler ‘Blackmailers Don’t Shoot’ in Red Wind (1946) 103: Landrey stopped lead. He’s cold.
at cold, adj.
[US] R. Chandler ‘Blackmailers Don’t Shoot’ in Red Wind (1946) 114: If you come back after that, it will be a new deal — from a cold deck.
at cold deck, n.
[US] R. Chandler ‘Blackmailers Don’t Shoot’ Red Wind (1946) 112: If I didn’t get conked out of hand, I might learn who was who.
at conk, v.2
[US] R. Chandler ‘Blackmailers Don’t Shoot’ in Red Wind (1946) 92: A little less of your crap, copper.
at crap, n.1
[US] R. Chandler ‘Blackmailers Don’t Shoot’ in Red Wind (1946) 102: Landrey smiled vaguely, said: ‘Damn!’ in a soft voice.
at damn!, excl.
[US] R. Chandler ‘Blackmailers Don’t Shoot’ in Red Wind (1946) 79: You know too much, copper. And you didn’t get your dope from Miss Farr.
at dope, n.3
[US] R. Chandler ‘Blackmailers Don’t Shoot’ in Red Wind (1946) 78: Who don’t, you poor egg?
at egg, n.2
[US] R. Chandler ‘Blackmailers Don’t Shoot’ in Red Wind (1946) 121: Landrey and some little hoof fogged each other.
at fog, v.1
[US] R. Chandler ‘Blackmailers Don’t Shoot’ in Red Wind (1946) 84: For — sake do something besides talk!
at for fuck’s sake!, excl.
[US] R. Chandler ‘Blackmailers Don’t Shoot’ in Red Wind (1946 ) 92: What’s the frame, Mac? Shakedown?
at frame, n.2
[US] R. Chandler ‘Blackmailers Don’t Shoot’ in Red Wind (1946) 88: Atkinson. Big Hollywood lawyer. Front for the boys.
at front, n.1
[US] R. Chandler ‘Blackmailers Don’t Shoot’ Red Wind (1946) 116: I could have killed the — four times!
at fucker, n.
[US] R. Chandler ‘Blackmailers Don’t Shoot’ in Red Wind (1946) 107: You Hollywood frails must be hard to get on with.
at get on, v.1
[US] R. Chandler ‘Blackmailers Don’t Shoot’ in Red Wind (1946) 112: A big flattie who was taking graft money from the gang.
at graft, n.1
[US] R. Chandler ‘Blackmailers Don’t Shoot’ in Red Wind (1946) 77: Keep your paws off me, gumshoe!
at gumshoe, n.
[US] R. Chandler ‘Blackmailers Don’t Shoot’ in Red Wind (1946) 119: It was his night off and he was a great guy to gumshoe around on his night off.
at gumshoe, v.
[US] R. Chandler ‘Blackmailers Don’t Shoot’ in Red Wind (1946) 80: Ditch the hot one and drive this heap.
at heap, n.2
[US] R. Chandler ‘Blackmailers Don’t Shoot’ Red Wind (1946) 107: You’re a hell of a guy, baby.
at hell of a, a under hell, n.
[US] R. Chandler ‘Blackmailers Don’t Shoot’ in Red Wind (1946) 85: Macdonald made a motion, said: ‘Hold it . . .’.
at hold it!, excl.
[US] R. Chandler ‘Blackmailers Don’t Shoot’ in Red Wind (1946) 105: What are you back where you live, darling? One of those hoods they call private dicks?
at hood, n.1
[US] R. Chandler ‘Blackmailers Don’t Shoot’ in Red Wind (1946) 74: On your way, red hot.
at red hot, n.
[US] R. Chandler ‘Blackmailers Don’t Shoot’ Red Wind (1946) 103: The driver said: ‘Jeeze!’ in a shattered voice.
at jeez!, excl.
[US] R. Chandler ‘Blackmailers Don’t Shoot’ in Red Wind (1946) 77: I need a drink, Mac. I’ve got the jumps.
at jumps, the, n.
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