1874 Sunderland Dly Echo 6 Jan. 4/2: He described Roger as having champagne shoulders [...] the defendant stood up for the jury to see the sloping shoulders.at champagne (bottle) shoulders (n.) under champagne, n.
1875 Sunderland Dly Echo 1 June 2/5: On his waistcoat breast dangled what in classical vernacular is called a ‘gammy 18 carat gold chain’.at gammy, adj.1
1876 Sunderland Daily Echo 16 June 3/4: A young knight of the quill [...] has been paying his addresses to a fair damsel at Darlington.at ...the quill under knight of the..., n.
1879 Sunderland Dly Echo 22 Oct. 2/6: A tenant who had been guilty of having perpetrated what is popularly known as a ‘moonlight flit’ has been sentenced.at moonlight flit, n.
1879 Sunderland Dly Echo 4 July 4/1: He called Mr Craik a ‘sappy-headed’ brute.at sappyheaded (adj.) under sappy, adj.
1880 Sunderland Dly Echo 28 Dec. 2/6: The Conservatives comprise the wealthy, the noble, and the churchy of the land.at churchy, adj.
1880 Sunderland Dly Echo 30Sept. 3/1: The Chester Ward Fee-Faw-Fum [...] has a rooted antipathy to arrow-root.at fee-faw-fum, n.
1880 Sunderland Dly Echo 24 Jan. 3/1: The deceased seemed depressed in spirits and said he would make a hole in the water before the day was done.at make a hole in the water (v.) under hole, n.1
1886 Sunderland Dly Echo 21 Apr. 3/5: Defendant roustly declared he was a liar, and offered if the officer could prove what he said, to eat hay with horse.at eat hay with a horse, v.
1886 Sunderland Dly Echo 29 Sept. 4/2: Wm. Winfy was charged with stealing three sums of money at Doncaster races by welching.at welch, v.
1887 Sunderland Dly Echo 6 Apr. 3/1: McFarlane [...] got in, came out, and was caught [...] When arrested, said ‘Don’t badly use me; it is a fair cop’.at fair cop, n.
1887 Sunderland Dly Echo 10 May 4/5: The Yankeeries. Opening Ceremony [...] The American Exhibition at West Brompton was declared open to-day.at yankeeries, n.
1888 Sunderland Dly Echo 21 Jan. 3/3: He is a thin, pale, beetle-browed Milanese.at beetle-brain (n.) under beetle, n.1
1888 Sunderland Daily Echo 24 Dec. 3/3: The complainant [i.e. his wife] stated [...] He had invested in London, and purchased a horse and cart, and was now hawking. He had bought a gold watch and chain, and was a ‘Hallelujah masher,’ (Laughter).at hallelujah masher (n.) under hallelujah, adj.
1888 Sunderland Dly Echo 6 July 3/1: A Purse Snatcher [...] the prisoner then said he had tried to steal a lady’s purse, but that she was oo sharp for him.at purse-snatcher (n.) under purse, n.
1889 Sunderland Dly Echo 7 Aug. 4/2: [headline] A Female Bruiser. At the Borough Police Court [...] Isa Campbell charged Susan Watson with assault.at bruiser, n.
1889 Sunderland Dly Echo 18 Nov. 3/2: he came home at might ‘mortallius,’ four companions [...] singing and shouting a drunken song.at mortallious, adj.
1889 Sunderland Dly Echo 20 Sept. 3/1: She used to lie in bed through the day, and at night go out and get ‘mortallious’.at mortallious, adj.
1890 Sunderland Dly Echo 15 Sept. 2/6: I was grossly insulted [by] a most impudent and imprudent letter signed by ‘Joe Bowman’ [...] who, after ‘piling on the agony’, concludes [etc].at put on an/the agony (v.) under agony, n.
1890 Sunderland Dly Echo 15 Sept. 2/6: I suggest to Brother Bung an increase of attention to his own business.at brother of the bung (n.) under brother (of the)..., n.
1890 Sunderland Dly Echo 30 Dec. 4/1: No, no, my pigeon-brained friend, it won’t do.at pigeon-brained (adj.) under pigeon, n.1
1890 Sunderland Daily Echo 11 Feb. 3/2: Unmentionables — Great sale this day of Men’s Tweed Trousers.at unmentionables, n.
1891 Sunderland Dly Echo 15 Dec. 3/2: Miss Rankin recited ‘Methody Jim’, and being encored, gave ‘Blacking the Baby’.at Methody, adj.
1891 Sunderland Dly Echo 16 Feb. 2/6: Economy, too, is a thing not to be sneezed at.at not to be sneezed at under sneeze, v.1
1891 Sunderland Dly Echo 12 Aug. 1/5: Vagrant ward regulations have been so arranged that the tramp avoids the ‘spinniken’ just as he keeps out of the clutches of the ‘methony,’ or policeman .at spiniken, n.
1892 Sunderland Dly Echo 2 June 3/5: A ‘Barbary Coast’ Row. At the Borough Police Court [...] a man named John Connor was charged with assaulting Margaret Creighton in Hodgson’s-buildings [...] After striking her he ‘hoyed’ witness from top to the bottom of the stairs.at Barbary Coast, n.
1892 Sunderland Dly Echo 2 June 3/5: A ‘Barbary Coast’ Row. At the Borough Police Court [...] a man named John Connor was charged with assaulting Margaret Creighton in Hodgson’s-buildings [...] After striking her he ‘hoyed’ witness from top to the bottom of the stairs.at hoy, v.
1893 Sunderland Dly Echo 24 June 4/6: Strolling into the Café Royal and ordering ‘a pint of “mahogany,” two “doorsteps” and a “swimmer”’.at mahogany, n.
1893 Sunderland Dly Echo 14 Oct. n.p.: ‘Gis the men a rest!’ says the slack-jawed man.at slack-jaw (n.) under slack, n.1