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The Jealous Wife choose

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[UK] G. Colman Jealous Wife I i: There you sat, drunk as a lord.
at drunk as (a)..., adj.
[UK] G. Colman Jealous Wife I i: A debauch’d batchelor [...] whose most refined commerce with the sex, has been to in order to delude country girls at your quarters, or to besiege the virtue of abigails.
at abigail, n.1
[UK] G. Colman Jealous Wife IV i: Oh, if he’s your friend, my dear, we may do all above-board.
at above board, adv.
[UK] G. Colman Jealous Wife I i: Oons, madam, the Grand Turk himself has not half so many mistresses! [...] Am I not constantly by your side, as if I was tied to your apron-strings?
at tied to someone’s apron-strings (adj.) under apron-strings, n.
[UK] G. Colman Jealous Wife IV i: Avast, avast, my dear!
at avast!, excl.
[UK] G. Colman Yngr Jealous Wife III ii: Ha, ’squire Ruffet too! You jolly old cock, how do you?
at old cock, n.
[UK] G. Colman Jealous Wife V ii: Damnation! [...] Fire and fury! how dare you do this?
at damnation!, excl.
[UK] G. Colman Yngr Jealous Wife I i: Ay, you silly young dog.
at dog, n.2
[UK] G. Colman Jealous Wife II ii: Heaven knows when I shall get rid of them, for they are both everlasting gossips.
at everlasting, adj.
[UK] G. Colman Jealous Wife I i: Did I not discover that you were great with Mademoiselle, my own woman?
at great, adj.1
[UK] G. Colman Jealous Wife IV i: maj.: Are you very fond of fighting, Sir? o’cut.: Indeed I am [...] I love it better than grog.
at grog, n.1
[UK] G. Colman Jealous Wife I i: Ay, ay, there you have hit it: Mrs. Oakly would make an excellent wife.
at hit it, v.
[UK] G. Colman Jealous Wife III i: This pressing is hot work, tho’ it entitles us to no smart-money.
at hot, adj.
[UK] G. Colman Jealous Wife I i: She is [...] a very magazine of touchwood and gunpowder. You are hot enough too upon occasion, but then it’s over in an instant.
at hot, adj.
[UK] G. Colman Jealous Wife III i: I hate her mortally.
at mortal, adv.
[UK] G. Colman Jealous Wife II ii: Gone! what a pox had I just run her down, and is the little puss stole away at last?
at puss, n.1
[UK] G. Colman Jealous Wife IV i: Poor gentleman! ’Slife, if he was but half the man that I am.
at ’slife!, excl.
[UK] G. Colman Jealous Wife V ii: Stick close to my advice, and you may stand buff to a tigress.
at stand buff (v.) under stand, v.2
[UK] G. Colman Jealous Wife V ii: Prithee, creature, don’t teaze me with your fiddle-faddle stuff.
at stuff, n.
[UK] G. Colman Jealous Wife V ii: Swopped her? swopped my daughter for a horse?
at swap, v.
[UK] G. Colman Yngr Jealous Wife II ii: I am not sorry for the coming-in of these old tabbies, and am much obliged to her ladyship for leaving us to such an agreeable tête-à-tête.
at tabby, n.
[UK] G. Colman Jealous Wife IV ii: I am a tight young fellow – sound in wind and limb.
at tight, adj.
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