1796 G. Colman Yngr Iron Chest I ii: Age has so overdone this old dry-bones [...] An old buzzard!at buzzard, n.
1796 G. Colman Yngr Iron Chest I ii: Like a chicken, under the wing of such a tough old cock as myself!at old cock, n.
1796 G. Colman Yngr Iron Chest II ii: Take your dirt again, (throws down the money.) Good Captain-Justice! — Stoop for it, — and think How an old Soldier, and a Justice, looks, When he is picking up the bribes he offers, To injure those he should protect.at dirt, n.
1796 G. Colman Yngr Iron Chest I ii: Age has so overdone this old dry-bones.at dry-bone(s) (n.) under dry, adj.1
1796 G. Colman Yngr Iron Chest I ii: Our young master took horse, for his house, determined [...] to send a challenge to this white-liver’d giant.at white-livered, adj.
1796 G. Colman Yngr Iron Chest I iii: mor.: They kill’d his dog? wint.: Aye, marry, sir.at marry!, excl.
1796 G. Colman Yngr Iron Chest I ii: Peace, you pie! an you prate thus I’ll stop your mouth.at pie, n.
1796 G. Colman Yngr Iron Chest III i: wint.: Thou hast stolen it from me, tulip! ha! good ifaith! — sams.: Ha! ha! — Well ifaith that is a good jest!at tulip, n.