at o.p.h., adv.
at easy as falling off a log, adj.
at catawampus, v.
at choctaw, n.
at Hebrew, n.
at tough it (out), v.
at like sixty, adv.
at n.g., phr.
at rusher, n.
at calaboose, v.
at get goss (v.) under goss, n.1
at soap lock, n.
at rocks, n.
at roper, n.2
at scrouger, n.1
at send down (v.) under send, v.
at wood up (v.) under wood, n.1
at catch a turkey (v.) under turkey, n.1
at knock saucepans out of (v.) under knock, v.
at abigail, n.1
at tare an’ ages!, excl.
at all my eye and Betty Martin, phr.
at up-and-down, adv.
at back out (n.) under back, v.2
at bejabers!, excl.
at on a bender (adj.) under bender, n.2
at bit, n.1
at blame, v.
at I’ll be blowed! (excl.) under blowed, adj.1
at cabbage-headed, adj.
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