1954 K. Cowin Bushveld, Bananas and Bounty 69: I think our house would probably have been as artycrafty as Snow White’s cottage.at arty-(and-)crafty, adj.
1954 K. Cowin Bushveld, Bananas and Bounty 174: Boesman had made enough progress to justify a rise in wages.at boesman, n.
1954 K. Cowin Bushveld, Bananas and Bounty 51: Jeezywheezy, it’s a brass bedstead!at jeezle-peezle!, excl.
1954 K. Cowin Bushveld, Bananas and Bounty 175: He did leave six months later, to try his luck in ‘Joeberk’.at Joburg, n.
1954 K. Cowin Bushveld, Bananas and Bounty 76: We gave them the ingredients for a big brew of kaffir beer.at kaffir beer (n.) under kaffir, adj.
1954 K. Cowin Bushveld, Bananas and Bounty 46: He said [...] he was very sick and needed a regemaker for the love of God. We told him to go and sleep it off.at regmaker, n.