Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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The Ænigmatical Repository choose

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[UK] C. Crinkum AEnigmatical Repository 35: Augustus ask’d a blust’ring blade, / Whose forehead bore a wound, / If he did not receive the scar / In flight, by looking round.
at blade, n.
[UK] C. Crinkum Ænigmatical Repository 11: The engine of mischief, with dug of a cow, / And taylor’s delight, are delicious you know.
at engine, n.
[UK] C. Crinkum Ænigmatical Repository 31: ’Tis better to employ one plough, / Than cradles two you’ll find.
at plough, n.
[UK] C. Crinkum AEnigmatical Repository 11: The engine of mischief, with dug of a cow / And taylor’s delight, are delicious you know / Some one hundred thousands we’ll mix, and well bake, / And furnish a pudding which few will forsake.
at pudding, n.
[UK] C. Crinkum AEnigmatical Repository 31: Be not in haste to tye the knot.
at tie the knot (v.) under tie, v.
[UK] C. Crinkum AEnigmatical Repository 33: Thieves first were sentenc’d to be hung / Upon the fatal tree.
at triple tree, n.
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