at loose as a goose, adj.
at action, n.
at where it’s at, phr.
at bean, n.1
at big shit, n.
at bite the ice! (excl.) under bite, v.
at blitzed, adj.
at burn rubber, v.
at cold fish (n.) under cold, adj.
at cool out, v.2
at cruise, v.
at cruising for (a) bruising under cruise, v.
at cut the rug, v.
at hunky-dory, adj.
at dust, n.
at bite the dust (v.) under dust, n.
at Dutch treat, n.
at flip out, v.
at flipping, adj.
at flunk, v.
at frig about (v.) under frig, v.
at straight from the shoulder, adv.
at gorilla, n.1
at you got it!, excl.
at hand jive, n.
at heinie, n.
at hit on, v.
at tuned in, adj.
at insurance policy, n.
at jag, n.1
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