Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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Roxana choose

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[UK] Defoe Roxana (1982) 24: Men [...] drink Belch with Porters, and keep company below themselves.
at belch, n.
[UK] Defoe Roxana (1982) 183: Thus his Project of coming to-Bed to me, was a Bite upon himself, while he intended it for a Bite upon me.
at bite, n.1
[UK] Defoe Roxana (1982) 46: The Disaster I mention’d above befel my Brother; who Broke.
at break, v.1
[UK] Defoe Roxana (1982) 332: They’d talked of a young Lord that was very great with her.
at great, adj.1
[UK] Defoe Roxana (1982) 359: But as it happened, things came to a hit better than we expected.
at hit, n.
[UK] Defoe Roxana in Works I (1840) 113/1: Having spent all his money [he] would willingly run up a score with me.
at run up a score (v.) under score, n.3
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