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Street Robberies Considered choose

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[UK] Defoe Street Robberies Considered 30: Abram, Naked.
at abram, adj.
[UK] Defoe Street Robberies Considered 30: Autem Mort, a Wife of the Left Hand.
at autem mort (n.) under autem, adj.
[UK] Defoe Street Robberies Considered 30: Autem, a Church.
at autem, n.
[UK] Defoe Street Robberies Considered.
at baa cheat, n.
[UK] Defoe Street Robberies Considered 30: Bien Whids, good Words.
at bene, adj.
[UK] Defoe Street Robberies Considered 30: Betty, a Picklock.
at betty, n.
[UK] Defoe Street Robberies Considered 30: Bing, Go, Avast, Go quick.
at bing, v.1
[UK] Defoe Street Robberies Considered 11: My Mother told me the first Word I could speak plain was Bitch; which Epithet I gave my Mother, with which she seem’d much pleas’d.
at bitch, n.1
[UK] Defoe Street Robberies Considered 30: Bouse, Drink.
at bouse, n.
[UK] Defoe Street Robberies Considered 30: Bouseing-Ken, Alehouse.
at bousing-ken, n.
[UK] Defoe Street Robberies Considered 30: Bube, Pox.
at bube, n.
[UK] Defoe Street Robberies Considered 30: Bongy, Drunk.
at bungy, adj.
[UK] Defoe Street Robberies Considered 31: Cacklers, Poultry.
at cackler, n.2
[UK] Defoe Street Robberies Considered 30: Ba Cheat, a Sheep, Belly Cheat, Apron.
at cheat, n.
[UK] Defoe Street Robberies Considered 31: Chive, a Knife.
at chiv, n.1
[UK] Defoe Street Robberies Considered 31: Clapper Dudgeon, a Beggar born.
at clapperdudgeon, n.
[UK] Defoe Street Robberies Considered 31: Cly the Jerk, to be whipt.
at cly the jerk (v.) under cly, v.
[UK] Defoe Street Robberies Considered 31: Clie, a Pocket.
at cly, n.
[UK] Defoe Street Robberies Considered 11: All Parties took Leave well pleas’d. The Churchwardens that they had got rid of a new Parishoner, and my Mother that she had Collard the Cole.
at collar, v.
[UK] Defoe Street Robberies Considered 31: Commission, a Shirt.
at commission, n.
[UK] Defoe Street Robberies Considered 31: Couch a porker, Go to bed.
at couch a porker (v.) under couch, v.
[UK] Defoe Street Robberies Considered 31: Cramprings, Shackles.
at cramp-rings, n.
[UK] Defoe Street Robberies Considered 31: Cuffin Queere, Justice of Peace.
at cuffin-queer (n.) under cuffin, n.
[UK] Defoe Street Robberies Considered 31: Cuffin, a Man.
at cuffin, n.
[UK] Defoe Street Robberies Considered 31: Cull, a Silly Fellow.
at cull, n.1
[UK] Defoe Street Robberies Considered 31: Cut Queer Whids, to Scold.
at cut queer whids (v.) under cut, v.1
[UK] Defoe Street Robberies Considered 31: Dads, an old Man.
at dads, n.1
[UK] Defoe Street Robberies Considered 31: Darkman, Watchman.
at darkman (n.) under dark, n.
[UK] Defoe Street Robberies Considered 16: I sunk one of the Pieces upon my Mother, and told her if she would get me some better Duds, I did not doubt but I should suceed in greater Matters.
at duds, n.1
[UK] Defoe Street Robberies Considered 31: Earnest, Share.
at earnest, n.
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