1993 R. Doyle Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha 8: If a teacher caught five fellas smoking or doing serious messing he got a bonus in his wages.at mess about, v.
1993 R. Doyle Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha 252: I made sure my lips were dry so I wouldn’t put a duck’s arse on it.at duck’s arse, n.
1993 R. Doyle Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha 156: I held his nose and I pinched his diddy. [Ibid.] 168: Sinbad got a pulled diddy and a dead leg at the same time.at diddy, n.3
1993 R. Doyle Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha 1: If I did a gick in me pants he’d kill me! [Ibid.] 5: Ah gick, said Kevin.at gick, n.
1993 R. Doyle Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha 200: He did a jobby, I told them all. – Down his leg.at jobbie, n.2
1993 R. Doyle Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha 253: He killed his Major [brand of cigarette] and put it in his box and put it in his pocket.at kill, v.
1993 R. Doyle Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha 95: I thought [...] that it had stopped raining. But it hadn’t. It was lashing.at lash, v.1
1993 R. Doyle Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha 206: Missis Kilmartin roared it at her mentler son.at mentler, adj.
1993 R. Doyle Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha 5: Look at your hands, she said – Your fingernails! My God, Patrick, you must be in mourning for the cat.at in mourning under mourning, n.
1993 R. Doyle Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha 114: Terence Long Terence Long – / Wears no socks – / What a pong.at pong, n.1
1993 R. Doyle Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha 13: He was a Protestant, a proddy, and he was older than us.at Proddy, n.
1993 R. Doyle Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha 197: He had two snailers coming out of his nose even though it wasn’t all that cold.at snailer, n.
1993 R. Doyle Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha 82: Missis Byrne had a black lens in her glasses. Specky Three Eyes she was called.at specky, adj.