1674 T. Duffet Epilogue Spoken by Heccate and Three Witches 31: Be damn’d you Whore! did fierce Mechanick cry, And most unlike a true bred Gentleman, Drunk as a Bitch he left me there in Pawn.at drunk as (a)..., adj.
1674 T. Duffet Empress of Morocco Act II: For he, and that same Jackadandy Emperour, came here for Ale and Brandy.at jack-a-dandy, n.
1674 T. Duffet Empress of Morocco Act I: We shall have Coleworts, Beans and Bacon [...] Of humming Ale a lusty barrel.at humming ale, n.
1674 T. Duffet Epilogue Spoken by Heccate and Three Witches 35: Bank-side Maulkin thrice hath mew’d, no matter If puss of t’other house will scratch, have at her.at Bankside lady, n.
1674 T. Duffet Empress of Morocco Prologue: Then hungry jilt that rails at Play, ’Cause Cully will not bite to day, And’s eager grown for want of prey.at bite, v.
1674 T. Duffet Empress of Morocco Act III: Sweet blouz you make us all look sadly, To see you still take on thus madly.at blowse, n.
1674 T. Duffet Empress of Morocco Act II: Then he began to stare and goggle Like skittish Jade about to boggle.at boggle, v.
1674 T. Duffet Epilogue Spoken by Heccate and Three Witches 34: But of all the brisk bawdes ’tis M--- for me [...] She can serve from the Lord, to the Squire and Clown, From a Guinny she’ll fit ye to half a Crown.at brisk, adj.
1674 T. Duffet Empress of Morocco Act III: Jove in disguise has been a Sculker On Earth, to find him out a Bulker.at bulker, n.1
1674 T. Duffet Epilogue Spoken by Heccate and Three Witches 31: I was with Templer lock’d from Night till Noon, My case he opene’d thrice and once Actions he entered three and one.at case, n.2
1674 T. Duffet Empress of Morocco Act III: Thus Orange looks new rub’d with piss-clout, Or scullions face besmear’d with Dish-clout.at clout, n.1
1674 T. Duffet Epilogue Spoken by Heccate and Three Witches 30: What, you have been at Hot-Cockles I see, Beldames! how dare you traffick thus, and not call me?at play at hot cockles (v.) under cockles, n.
1674 T. Duffet Empress of Morocco Act I: If this be more than meerly Cogging, Let’s talk no more but straight be jogging.at cog, v.
1674 T. Duffet Epilogue Spoken by Heccate and Three Witches 33: A health , a health to Mother C--- [...] She puts off rotten new rig’d vessel.at Mother Cornelius’ tub, n.
1674 T. Duffet Epilogue Spoken by Heccate and Three Witches 42: Have we not seen, O whorson Rogue John Dory [...] Catch’d ten times o’re with old new dress’d Story.at John Dory, n.
1674 T. Duffet Epilogue Spoken by Heccate and Three Witches 33: Here’s six go-downs of humming Stygian Liquor.at go-down, n.
1674 T. Duffet Empress of Morocco Prologue: As when some dogrel-monger raises Up Muse, to flatter Doxies praises. [Ibid.] Act III: Doxie! Doxie! O thou hast a tender thing!at doxy, n.
1674 T. Duffet Epilogue Spoken by Heccate and Three Witches 31: I pick’d Shop-keeper up, and went to th’ Sun. He Houncht ... and Houncht ... and Houncht; And when h’ had done, Pay me quoth I, Be damn’d you Whore! did fierce Mechanick cry.at fierce, adj.
1674 T. Duffet Empress of Morocco Act I: Fye, Fye, Fustilugs, be not yellow For he is but a dungy Fellow.at fustilugs, n.
1674 T. Duffet Epilogue Spoken by Heccate and Three Witches 35: Bank-side Maulkin thrice hath mew’d, no matter If puss of t’other house will scratch, have at her.at have, v.
1674 T. Duffet Epilogue Spoken by Heccate and Three Witches 32: A running Nag I’le thee lend.at running horse, n.
1674 T. Duffet Epilogue Spoken by Heccate and Three Witches 31: I pick’d Shop-keeper up, and went to th’ Sun. He Houncht ... and Houncht ... and Houncht; And when h’ had done, Pay me quoth I.at hump, v.1
1674 T. Duffet Empress of Morocco Act I: If this be more than meerly Cogging, Let’s talk no more but straight be jogging.at jog, v.
1674 T. Duffet Epilogue Spoken by Heccate and Three Witches 31: Where’s Mack’rel back and Jilting Sue.at mackerel, n.
1674 T. Duffet Epilogue Spoken by Heccate and Three Witches 35: Bank-side Maulkin thrice hath mew’d, no matter If puss of t’other house will scratch, have at her.at malkin, n.
1674 T. Duffet Epilogue Spoken by Heccate and Three Witches 31: Be damn’d you Whore! did fierce Mechanick cry, And most unlike a true bred Gentleman, Drunk as a Bitch he left me there in Pawn.at mechanic, n.
1674 T. Duffet Empress of Morocco Act I: He’ll be so cross, who can abide him If we a Sheeps-head don’t provide him? He is such an errant Mutton-monger.at mutton-monger, n.2
1674 T. Duffet Epilogue Spoken by Heccate and Three Witches 41: As stroling Punk did once in Somers progress.at strolling mort, n.