at does a bear shit in the woods? Is the pope (a) Catholic?, phr.
at candy-ass, n.
at cool the beef (v.) under beef, n.2
at big one, n.
at blues, n.2
at bonaroo, adj.
at breakfast of champions (n.) under breakfast, n.
at bat the breeze (v.) under breeze, n.1
at brillo pad, n.
at bull, n.5
at bullet, n.2
at cellie, n.
at cherry, adj.
at cool, v.2
at cool cat (n.) under cool, adj.
at couch case (n.) under couch, n.
at cut loose, v.
at cut-rate, adj.
at El D, n.
at dick-breath (n.) under dick, n.1
at donkey dick, n.2
at dingy, adj.2
at ecofreak, n.
at fat farm (n.) under fat, adj.
at flip someone’s switch (v.) under flip, v.4
at fried, adj.
at fried, adj.
at frosty, adj.
at fruit jockey (n.) under fruit, n.
at what-the-fuck, adj.
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