1894 J. London Tramp Diary in Jack London On the Road (1979) 59: The ease the kids have in beating their way.at beat one’s way (v.) under beat, v.
1894 J. London Tramp Diary in Jack London On the Road (1979) 35: I [...] told him to come along the decks to the blind but he said it was too risky.at blind, n.2
1894 J. London Tramp Diary in Jack London On the Road (1979) 58: Falling asleep in the chairs at the Hotel & getting the bounce.at get the bounce (v.) under bounce, n.1
1894 J. London Tramp Diary in Jack London On the Road (1979) 55: We caught the ‘Cannon ball’ as she slowed up at the crossing.at cannonball, n.
1894 J. London Tramp Diary in Jack London On the Road (1979) 59: The quiet easy going, the slow pokes & the comets.at comet, n.
1894 J. London Tramp Diary in Jack London On the Road (1979) 38: A couple of cowboys or cattle punchers are raising cain generally.at cow-puncher, n.
1894 J. London Tramp Diary in Jack London On the Road (1979) 54: Once in a while some crack crew gives us a spin.at crack, adj.
1894 J. London Tramp Diary in Jack London On the Road (1979) 35: Two of us jumped the palace cars & decked them while the third went underneath on the rods.at deck, v.1
1894 J. London Tramp Diary in Jack London On the Road (1979) 57: Dig up. How much stuff have you got?at dig up, v.1
1894 J. London Tramp Diary in Jack London On the Road (1979) 31: They were forced to stop the train twice before they succeeded in ditching us. [Ibid.] 32: I don’t want to be ditched at some lone water tank.at ditch, v.1
1894 J. London Tramp Diary in Jack London On the Road (1979) 31: We held her down all night till we arrived in Truckee at 7 a.m.at hold down, v.
1894 J. London Tramp Diary in Jack London On the Road (1979) 43: The commissary ducks have a fat time of it, but of course they have to work pretty hard.at duck, n.1
1894 J. London Tramp Diary in Jack London On the Road (1979) 44: Teamsters & wagons were on the go; the commissary officers all life & motion; aide flying in all directions.at on the go under go, n.1
1894 J. London Tramp Diary in Jack London On the Road (1979) 57: If the old folks would only know how to treat a fellow when he comes home & not give him any guff it would be all right.at guff, n.1
1894 J. London Tramp Diary in Jack London On the Road (1979) 48: If any Pinkertons or detectives are caught it will go hard with them.at hard, adv.
1894 J. London Tramp Diary in Jack London On the Road (1979) 61: I’m onto myself for a jigger w’en it comes to dem people.at jigger, n.7
1894 J. London Tramp Diary in Jack London On the Road (1979) 55: Scotty and Dave [...] did not return in time to catch the K.C. Passenger.at K.C., n.
1894 J. London Tramp Diary in Jack London On the Road (1979) 36: I found that two Knights of the road [...] had most obligingly built a roaring fire.at knight of the road, n.
1894 J. London Tramp Diary in Jack London On the Road (1979) 52: We told them we would leave in a body & as all stood firm after a tally we were forgiven. So its all O.K.at OK, adj.
1894 J. London Tramp Diary in Jack London On the Road (1979) 54: Am going to pull out in the morning.at pull out, v.
1894 J. London Tramp Diary in Jack London On the Road (1979) 53: He gave the P’s a good talking to.at Pink, n.
1894 J. London Tramp Diary in Jack London On the Road (1979) 38: A couple of cowboys or cattle punchers are raising cain generally.at raise Cain (v.) under raise, v.
1894 J. London Tramp Diary in Jack London On the Road (1979) 35: I took the overland out about 7:30 riding the blind. [Ibid.] 35: We went out ahead but the brakeman rode the blind out.at ride the blinds (v.) under ride, v.
1894 J. London Tramp Diary in Jack London On the Road (1979) 33: I rode the bumpers the rest of the way. [Ibid.] 35: Two of us jumped the palace cars & decked them while the third went underneath on the rods.at ride the rods (v.) under ride, v.
1894 J. London Tramp Diary in Jack London On the Road (1979) 34: We have decided to let the Reno crowd rip & start on as fast as possible for Ogden.at rip and run (v.) under rip, v.
1894 J. London Tramp Diary in Jack London On the Road (1979) 36: A brakeman asked me how much I could ‘shake up.’ ‘Fifteen cents’ was my answer [...] After a long consultation the[y] took my gold ring & left me the fifteen cents.at shake up, v.
1894 J. London Tramp Diary in Jack London On the Road (1979) 38: One is about 6 foot 4, while the other is a little shorty.at shorty, n.
1894 J. London Tramp Diary in Jack London On the Road (1979) 59: The quiet easy going, the slow pokes & the comets.at slowpoke (n.) under slow, adj.
1894 J. London Tramp Diary in Jack London On the Road (1979) 54: Once in a while some crack crew gives us a spin.at spin, n.3