1855 Melbourne Punch 2 Aug. 181/2: The only roof under which he is known to seat himself is that of a public house in town, or a wayside grog shanty in the bush, where he wrangles with brother bullock drivers as to the merits of tlieir respective teams.at grog shanty (n.) under grog, n.1
1855 Melbourne Punch 2 Aug. 181/1: [The bullock driver] describes the geographical divisions of Australia geometrically, by a reference to its ‘sides.’ Thus he will speak of [...] the other ‘side,’ by which vague expression he is understood to refer to Tasmania.at tother side, n.
1856 Melbourne Punch 20 Nov. 3/1: Proposals for a New Slang Dictionary [...] ABSQUATULATE.—Originally written Absquostatulate. Verb neuter: To clear, to vamos, to mizzle, to cut one's stick, to hook it, to slide, to bolt to break out, etc. Derivation—From the Latin—ab or absquo-statu and latum from fero, i. e„ to be carried or to carry one self away from the place iu which one previously was.at absquatulate, v.
1856 Melbourne Punch 20 Nov. 123/2: Proposals for a New Slang Dictionary [...] AGONY -Adjective. Applied to the narrow collar now worn by some dignified swells, and otherwise called a dogcollar, from its use by puppies. Derived, from the Greek- a, private, and gone, an angle, i. e., without angles, the corners being usually rounded off.at agony, n.
1856 Melbourne Punch 20 Nov. 3/3: ‘Proposals for a New Slang Dictionary’ [...] O.K. —Adj. To rights, proper, stunning, of the right sort, prime, all serene, crummy, some, out-an-out, scrumtious, &c, of the initials of the old English words, Orle Korrect.at out-and-out, adj.
1856 Melbourne Punch 20 Nov. 4/1: ‘Proposals for a New Slang Dictionary’ [...] PEWTER.—Noun. Brads, rhino, blunt, dibbs, mopusses, browns, tin, brass, stumpy, &c. Hard pewter means ready rhino.at blunt, n.1
1856 Melbourne Punch 21 Feb. 24/2: Just in the nick of time, a Bobby dropped into the bar, and took him before the Beak.at bobby, n.1
1856 Melbourne Punch 20 Nov. 3/2: Boss —Noun. A cove, a beak, a guvnor, a nob, an old ’un, a big-wig etc.at boss, n.2
1856 Melbourne Punch 20 Nov. 4/1: ‘Proposals for a New Slang Dictionary’ [...] PEWTER.—Noun. Brads, rhino, blunt, dibbs, mopusses, browns, tin, brass, stumpy, &c. Hard pewter means ready rhino". [...] To plank the pewter means to post the pony, to down with the dust, to drop the browns.at brad, n.1
1856 Melbourne Punch 20 Nov. 4/1: ‘Proposals for a New Slang Dictionary’ [...] PEWTER.—Noun. Brads, rhino, blunt, dibbs, mopusses, browns, tin, brass, stumpy, &c. at brass, n.1
1856 Melbourne Punch 20 Nov. 4/1: ‘Proposals for a New Slang Dictionary’ [...] PEWTER.—Noun. Brads, rhino, blunt, dibbs, mopusses, browns, tin, brass, stumpy, &c. at brown, n.
1856 Melbourne Punch 20 Nov. 3/3: ‘Proposals for a New Slang Dictionary’ [...] QUOD,—Noun. Chokey, limbo .at chokey, n.
1856 Melbourne Punch 20 Nov. 3/2: Boss —Noun. A cove, a beak, a guvnor, a nob, an old ’un, a big-wig etc.at cove, n.
1856 Melbourne Punch 20 Nov. 3/3: ‘Proposals for a New Slang Dictionary’ [...] O.K. —Adj. To rights, proper, stunning, of the right sort, prime, all serene, crummy, some, out-an-out, scrumtious, &c, of the initials of the old English words, Orle Korrect.at crummy, adj.1
1856 Melbourne Punch 20 Nov. 4/1: ‘Proposals for a New Slang Dictionary’ [...] PEWTER.—Noun. Brads, rhino, blunt, dibbs, mopusses, browns, tin, brass, stumpy, &c. at dibbs, n.
1856 Melbourne Punch 20 Nov. 3/3: DODGE.-Noun, a move, a fakement, a notion a fixin, humbug, hankypanky, a plant, &c., &c. This word is of almost universal application.at dodge, n.
1856 Melbourne Punch 20 Nov. 3/3: DODGE.-Noun, a move, a fakement, a notion a fixin, humbug, hankypanky, a plant, &c., &c. This word is of almost universal application.at fakement, n.
1856 Melbourne Punch 20 Nov. 3/2: Boss —Noun. A cove, a beak, a guvnor, a nob, an old ’un, a big-wig etc.at governor, n.
1856 Melbourne Punch 20 Nov. 3/3: DODGE.-Noun, a move, a fakement, a notion a fixin, humbug, hankypanky, a plant, &c., &c. This word is of almost universal application.at hankypanky, n.
1856 Melbourne Punch 20 Nov. 3/3: ‘Proposals for a New Slang Dictionary’ [...] HIKE.-Verb active. To grab, to take, to collar, to walk off with the slack of of anything, to tote.at hike, v.
1856 Melbourne Punch 20 Nov. 3/3: ‘Proposals for a New Slang Dictionary’ [...] HYSTE Verb particularly active. To toss as Sancho Panza, to kick to pitch (out at window), to shove (down stairs), to give a lift either the side of the head or otherwise, to slip into to administer a slockdolager, &c.at hoist, v.
1856 Melbourne Punch 20 Nov. 3/1: Proposals for a New Slang Dictionary [...] ABSQUATULATE.—Originally written Absquostatulate. Verb neuter: To clear, to vamos, to mizzle, to cut one's stick, to hook it, to slide, to bolt to break out, etc.at hook, v.1
1856 Melbourne Punch 20 Nov. 3/3: DODGE.-Noun, a move, a fakement, a notion a fixin, humbug, hankypanky, a plant, &c., &c. This word is of almost universal application.at humbug, n.
1856 Melbourne Punch 20 Nov. 3/3: ‘Proposals for a New Slang Dictionary’ [...] MOKE-Noun: a Jerusalem pony.at Jerusalem pony (n.) under Jerusalem, adj.
1856 Melbourne Punch 20 Nov. 3/3: ‘Proposals for a New Slang Dictionary’ [...] QUOD,—Noun. Chokey, limbo .at limbo, n.
1856 Melbourne Punch 20 Nov. 3/3: ‘Proposals for a New Slang Dictionary’ [...] MOKE-Noun: a Jerusalem pony.at moke, n.1
1856 Melbourne Punch 20 Nov. 3/2: Boss —Noun. A cove, a beak, a guvnor, a nob, an old ’un, a big-wig etc.at nob, n.2
1856 Melbourne Punch 20 Nov. 3/3: ‘Proposals for a New Slang Dictionary’ [...] O.K. —Adj. To rights, proper, stunning, of the right sort, prime, all serene, crummy, some, out-an-out, scrumtious, &c, of the initials of the old English words, Orle Korrect.at OK, adj.
1856 Melbourne Punch 20 Nov. 3/2: Boss —Noun. A cove, a beak, a guvnor, a nob, an old ’un, a big-wig etc.at old ’un (n.) under old, adj.
1856 Melbourne Punch 20 Nov. 4/1: ‘Proposals for a New Slang Dictionary’ [...] PEWTER.—Noun. Brads,- rhino, blunt, dibbs, mopusses, browns, tin, brass, stumpy, &c. Hard pewter means ready rhino". [...] To plank the pewter means to post the pony, to down with the dust, to drop the browns.at pewter, n.