1700 Farquhar Constant Couple III v: clinch.: The note! – what note? stand.: The letter, blockhead!at blockhead, n.1
1700 Farquhar Constant Couple III ii: There, up comes her bravo; the Italian grows saucy, and I give him an English douse of the face.at bravo, n.
1700 Farquhar Constant Couple III ii: He whips out his stiletto, and I whips out my bull-dog.at bulldog, n.
1700 Farquhar Constant Couple V i: I have toasted your Ladyship fifteen bumpers successively.at bumper, n.2
1700 Farquhar Constant Couple II iii: He, – is the rarest fool in nature, – the devil he is!at devil, the, phr.
1700 Farquhar Constant Couple III ii: There, up comes her bravo; the Italian grows saucy, and I give him an English douse of the face.at douse, n.
1700 Farquhar Constant Couple Prologue: Your elbow-shaking fool, that lives by’s wits.at elbow-shaker (n.) under elbow, n.1
1700 Farquhar Constant Couple V iii: You might have had me once: but now, madam, if you should chance fall to eating chalk, or gnawing the sheets, ’tis none of my fault.at have, v.
1700 Farquhar Constant Couple II ii: I offer’d her fifty guineas, and she was in her airs presently, and flew away in a huff.at huff, n.
1700 Farquhar Constant Couple III ii: He whips out his stiletto, and I whips out my bull-dog.at whip out, v.
1700 Farquhar Constant Couple Epilogue: The tearing spark [...] Breaks th’ drawer’s head, kicks her, and murders Bays.at tearing, adj.