1911 S. Ford Torchy 120: I’m what you would call a false alarm, Torchy. I’ve been tried out and haven’t made good.at false alarm, n.1
1911 S. Ford Torchy 160: ‘Who is that with you?’ He gets answers from the anvil chorus. ‘That’s the swindler!’ they shouts.at anvil chorus, n.
1911 S. Ford Torchy 189: It’s a bach joint such as you might dream about [...] guns and swords and such knickknacks on the walls.at bach, n.
1911 S. Ford Torchy 58: You don’t suppose Marjorie’s got it that bad, do you?at have (got) it bad (v.) under bad, adj.
1911 S. Ford Torchy 1: Sure, I was carryin’ the banner. But say, I ain’t one of them kids that gets callouses on the hands doin’ it.at carry the banner (v.) under banner, n.
1911 S. Ford Torchy 17: Ah, brush your belfry! [...] Your mind needs chloride of lime on it.at belfry, n.
1911 S. Ford Torchy 294: [She] unbelts reckless for the sterling decoration.at unbelt (v.) under belt, n.
1911 S. Ford Torchy 124: Now ring up one of them bench-warmers and show us the Baron!at bench-warmer (n.) under bench, n.
1911 S. Ford Torchy 260: He ain’t the final word in this shop, and there’s nobody gets next to the big wheeze oftener durin’ the day than yours truly.at big wheeze (n.) under big, adj.
1911 S. Ford Torchy 198: Young man [...] either you are too blickety blinked fresh to keep, or else you’re too keen to lose.at blankety-blank, phr.
1911 S. Ford Torchy 8: But you ain’t drawn any blank. I’ll shinny on your side, Mr. Pepper, as long’s you’ll let me.at draw a blank (v.) under blank, n.
1911 S. Ford Torchy 39: Say, Piddie [...] if you don’t think you’ll sleep easy to-night unless you give some one the bounce, why not fire me?at give someone the bounce (v.) under bounce, n.1
1911 S. Ford Torchy 105: She’s Mrs. Piddie, of course, and she’s a brick. Say, how is it these two-by-fours can pull out such good ones so often?at brick, n.
1911 S. Ford Torchy 264: Say, you talk about the East Side double deckers; but they’re brownstone fronts compared to some of these corporation shacks across the meadows!.at brownstone front, n.
1911 S. Ford Torchy 2: Brush by, you three-dollar pikers, and give a salaried man a show!at brush, v.1
1911 S. Ford Torchy 67: Your bubble’s back in the garage bein’ fitted with a new set of hundred-dollar tires.at bubble, n.2
1911 S. Ford Torchy 106: Piddie wa’n’t goin’ to be any too sociable by dinner time that night, ’less’n he’d hit up the bucketshop, which the chances was against.at bucket shop, n.
1911 S. Ford Torchy 237: If this [i.e. a letter of resignation] goes through your career is bugged to the limit.at bug, v.2
1911 S. Ford Torchy 267: A flyer! Say, every bughouse in the country is at work on one of them.at bughouse, n.
1911 S. Ford Torchy 177: I misses my swell outfit, the one Benny had built for me to wear at his weddin’.at build, v.
1911 S. Ford Torchy 147: ‘If you come back here before to-morrow morning [...] I’ll discharge you on the spot.’ Now wouldn’t that bump you?at wouldn’t that bump you? under bump, v.1
1911 S. Ford Torchy 16: He tries to tell me that this minin’ business is all a bunko game.at bunco game (n.) under bunco, n.
1911 S. Ford Torchy 169: And you should have heard [...] all about the awful things they did at prep school, how they bunked the masters, and smuggled brandied peaches up to their rooms.at bunk, v.3
1911 S. Ford Torchy 92: ‘We’re intimate friends of the bride [...] but we’ve forgotten our tickets.’ ‘That’s good, but musty. Butt out, please.’.at butt out, v.
1911 S. Ford Torchy 92: There was only a few lady butt-ins that had strayed over from the shoppin’ district and smelled out a free show.at butt-in, n.
1911 S. Ford Torchy 20: I sized up Piddie for a two by four right at the get away; but I’ve been keepin’ him jollied along just for the fun of it.at two by four, n.1
1911 S. Ford Torchy 109: Most of ’em was little, two-room, fly-by-night firms, with a party ’phone [...] and a mail-order list bought off’m patent medicine concerns.at fly-by-night, adj.
1911 S. Ford Torchy 163: He don’t dare tie the can to you without reportin’ higher up.at tie the can to (v.) under can, n.1