at joe brown, n.
at penny (a pound), n.
at once a week, n.1
at tea-for-two and a bloater, n.
at cop a flower-pot (v.) under cop a..., v.
at jack (a) dandy, n.
at penny-a-mile, n.
at short of a sheet, phr.
at have a cook, v.
at don’t make a fuss, n.
at cherry ace, n.
at deuce and ace, n.
at Adam (and Eve), v.
at bucket afloat, n.
at rock of ages, n.2
at airs and graces, n.
at airs and graces, n.
at alive or dead, n.
at alligator, adv.
at alligator!, excl.
at almond, n.1
at alphonse, n.2
at coffee and cocoa, v.
at cat and mouse, n.
at finger and thumb, n.
at apples and rice, adj.
at bacon and eggs, n.
at beattie and babs, n.
at borrow and beg, n.
at bubble (and squeak), v.
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