at A-1, adj.
at A-1, adj.
at drunk as (a)..., adj.
at under one’s belt under belt, n.
at betsy, n.
at big medicine (n.) under big, adj.
at bilk, n.
at black strap (n.) under black, adj.
at breadbasket (n.) under bread, n.1
at brunette, n.
at buffalo, v.
at bum, v.3
at bunch, n.1
at buzzard, n.
at catch someone with their pants down (v.) under catch, v.1
at cold deck, n.
at not all it’s cracked up to be under crack up, v.1
at get the drop(s) (on) (v.) under drop, n.1
at dump, n.3
at easy meat (n.) under easy, adj.
at easy street, n.
at forty-five, n.
at get it in the neck, v.
at groundhog case (n.) under ground-hog, n.2
at hell’s a popping under hell, n.
at go to hell! (excl.) under hell, n.
at highbrow, n.
at hoodoo, adj.
at hook up (with), v.
at hooker, n.3
at number, n.
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