Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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Horn of Plenty choose

Quotation Text

[US] R. Goffin Horn of Plenty 255: ‘Oh boy,’ wailed Zutty. ‘Ah’m tired like a million.’.
at like a..., phr.
[US] R. Goffin Horn of Plenty 85: After the Old Tom-and-Jerry, the two had a Bourbon each.
at tom and jerry, n.1
[US] R. Goffin Horn of Plenty 255: Let’s go, Zutty—chin up!
at chin up!, excl.
[US] R. Goffin Horn of Plenty 84: How ’bout a shot of devil’s brew?
at devil’s brew (n.) under devil, n.
[US] R. Goffin Horn of Plenty 92: Below the Tenderloin or red-light district, lay the Creole zone, called ‘downtown’.
at downtown, n.
[US] R. Goffin Horn of Plenty 121: Perdido’s flashy ‘fancy man,’ who had wore diamonds down to his garters, had been killed by a jealous wench.
at fancy man, n.1
[US] R. Goffin Horn of Plenty 40: Buddy Bolden was playing at Funky Butt Hall.
at funky butt (n.) under funky, adj.3
[US] R. Goffin Horn of Plenty 141: Let’s go, Dipper [...] Give it a solid lick!
at lick, n.2
[US] R. Goffin Horn of Plenty 104: Las’ year I was makin’ a buck a day. Now I’m doin’ twice as good, an’ that’s my limit’ [...] ‘You need some parsley—ain’t that right?’.
at parsley, n.
[US] R. Goffin Horn of Plenty 242: Just look at that ol’ yellow toilet he’s ridin’ his sweetie in!
at toilet, n.
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