at fire-eater, n.
at bull-driver (n.) under bull, n.1
at clear as mud (adj.) under clear, adj.1
at see stars (v.) under see, v.
at blister, v.
at swell-headed, adj.
at pudding-headed, adj.
at hombre, n.
at noodlehead (n.) under noodle, n.1
at fantod, n.
at heap, adv.
at kettlebelly, n.
at mulligrubs, n.
at continental, adj.
at on the anxious bench (adj.) under bench, n.
at joe dandy, n.
at dish (out), v.
at end over appetite (adj.) under end, n.
at grub and bub (n.) under grub, n.2
at scouse, n.
at cooped (up), adj.
at come up to (the chalk) (v.) under come up, v.1
at county hotel (n.) under county, adj.
at diff, n.
at know a thing or two, v.
at jawfest (n.) under jaw, n.
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