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The Non-Dramatic Works of Thomas Dekker choose

Quotation Text

[UK] Dekker Jests to Make you Merrie in Grosart Works (1886) II 343: Our Newgate-bird ... spreading dragon-like wings, ... beheld a thousand Synnes.
at Newgate bird (n.) under Newgate, n.
[UK] Dekker Jests to Make you Merrie in Grosart Works (1886) II 350: He requested them to play off the sacke and be gon.
at play off (v.) under play, v.
[UK] Dekker Jests to Make you Merrie in Grosart Works (1886) II 308: A rum coves bung (so called in their canting use of speech) (and as much to say in ours, a rich chuffes purse) .
at rum-cove (n.) under rum, adj.
[UK] Dekker Jests to Make you Merrie in Grosart Works (1886) II 297: Two friends having drunke much Tobacco, as they sate together in a chamber (one of which was in love with one of the sixpeny suburb-sinnets that lay in the Spittle in Shorediftich).
at sixpenny suburb-sinnet (n.) under sixpenny, adj.
[UK] Dekker Jests to Make you Merrie in Grosart Works (1886) II 329: Kinchen, the coue towres, which is as much as, Fellow, the man smokes or suspects you.
at smoke, v.1
[UK] Dekker A Strange Horse-Race in Grosart Works (1885) 348: He therefore being tossed [...] vpon their glowing flesh-hookes, from one to one.
at flesh hooks (n.) under flesh, n.
[UK] Dekker A Strange Horse-Race in Grosart Works (1885) 334: His name Hans-thrift (a Dutchman).
at Hans, n.
[UK] Dekker A Strange Horse-Race in Grosart Works (1885) 335: The third that came sneaking in was a leane ill-faced shotten-herring-bellied-rascall.
at shotten herring, n.
[UK] Dekker A Strange Horse-Race in Grosart Works (1885) 353: What I giue to them shall bee in Hugger-Mugger.
at in hugger-mugger (adv.) under hugger-mugger, n.1
[UK] Dekker A Strange Horse-Race in Grosart Works (1885) 338: Hobling, which put him in such a heate (He neuer in his life sweating before) that he melted all his tallow, which at most was not able to make a pissing candle.
at pissing, adj.
[UK] Dekker Owles Almanacke 49: The crincome, that is Neopolitan.
at crinkum, n.
[UK] Dekker Owles Almanacke II: Sagittarrus, the Archer, gouernes the thighes, for betweene them is the sweetest shooting.
at shoot, v.
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