1979 B. Gutcheon New Girls (1982) 306: She [...] felt great that she was going to ace her exams.at ace, v.
1979 B. Gutcheon New Girls (1982) 325: The other letter was essentially a bread-and-butter letter from Lisa.at bread and butter letter (n.) under bread-and-butter, adj.
1979 B. Gutcheon New Girls (1982) 54: My dear, she thinks I’m the cat’s ass. Which I am, of course.at cat’s ass, n.1
1979 B. Gutcheon New Girls (1982) 312: You get past all that trivial bullshit – how’s your work, how’s your ass.at how’s your ass? under ass, n.
1979 B. Gutcheon New Girls (1982) 208: They did a bang-up job raising money for the symphony.at bang-up, adj.
1979 B. Gutcheon New Girls (1982) 123: ‘It wouldn’t be that bad,’ said Ann doubtfully. ‘You bet your ass it would.’.at bet one’s (sweet) ass (v.) under bet, v.
1979 B. Gutcheon New Girls (1982) 303: Ann’s class was quite browned off [...] to miss the chance of seeing television.at browned off, adj.
1979 B. Gutcheon New Girls (1982) 130: Jesus, she really is bucking for Government, isn’t she?at buck for, v.
1979 B. Gutcheon New Girls (1982) 135: She didn’t think Miss Purse was completely bughouse.at bughouse, adj.1
1979 B. Gutcheon New Girls (1982) 191: Oh, God, the coal’s gone from the end of your cigarette. Where is it? I think your pants are on fire.at coal, n.1
1979 B. Gutcheon New Girls (1982) 20: The other girls go to Congo – that’s the Congregational Church.at congo, n.3
1979 B. Gutcheon New Girls (1982) 235: I know a guy who got suspended from Princeton for taking a dump in Times Square.at take a dump (v.) under dump, n.4
1979 B. Gutcheon New Girls (1982) 267: The mother’d been in AA for years, but she fell off the wagon and had to be locked up.at fall off the (water) wagon (v.) under fall, v.1
1979 B. Gutcheon New Girls (1982) 306: She’d get to feeling good, even, to [...] getting up as early as she liked without having to take any flak from Rowley.at flak, n.
1979 B. Gutcheon New Girls (1982) 51: I was sure that Miss Moltke would flunk me, the flit.at flit, n.2
1979 B. Gutcheon New Girls (1982) 98: Ann learned [...] about how hard it is to make the varsity soccer team even though you were practically the best regular substitute on the whole frosh team.at frosh, n.
1979 B. Gutcheon New Girls (1982) 105: ‘Give my granny a frosty.’ Pear reached into an ice bucket and produced a can of Ballantine ale.at frosty, n.
1979 B. Gutcheon New Girls (1982) 312: The only other thing that gets me off like that is coke.at get off, v.3
1979 B. Gutcheon New Girls (1982) 257: They know a girl with a record of leadership at Miss Pratt’s will offer them just as much as some greasy grind with straight A’s from the local high school.at grind, n.
1979 B. Gutcheon New Girls (1982) 167: I’d be embarrassed, actually, to [...] see real grossers representing Miss Pratt’s.at grosser, n.
1979 B. Gutcheon New Girls (1982) 182: You get in line for the grunts [...] and we’ll belly up to the bar.at grunt, n.
1979 B. Gutcheon New Girls (1982) 55: I thought I was going to split a gut laughing.at bust a gut (v.) under gut, n.
1979 B. Gutcheon New Girls (1982) 287: Found some babe who’s so hot for it she wants to take us both on!at hot for (adj.) under hot, adj.
1979 B. Gutcheon New Girls (1982) 22: ‘Lisa,’ her father interrupted, ‘you can put a lid on that girl chat for just a minute, can’t you?’.at put the lid on (v.) under lid, n.