at cut it, v.1
at elbow, n.1
at highbinder, n.
at lovely, adj.
at rap to (v.) under rap, v.1
at sandbag, v.1
at skinful, n.
at spill, v.
at worth a damn under worth a..., phr.
at ace, n.
at airtight, adj.
at pork-and-beaner, n.
at so-and-so, adj.
at beat (someone) out of (v.) under beat, v.
at believer, n.
at bet one’s neck (v.) under bet, v.
at bloodhound (n.) under blood, n.1
at bloomer, n.2
at bone, n.6
at bootleg, adj.
at bushwhack, v.
at monkey business, n.
at bust loose (v.) under bust, v.1
at bust, n.
at buzzer, n.3
at caper, n.2
at chancy, adj.
at charge, n.2
at chief, n.
at Chink, adj.
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