Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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Legends from Benson’s Valley choose

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[Aus] F.J. Hardy Legends from Benson’s Valley 73: ‘They’ve had the luck of Eric Connolly all night,’ Darky said sheepishly. ‘Our turn to have a bit of arse.’.
at arse, n.
[Aus] F.J. Hardy Legends from Benson’s Valley 27: ‘Bash it up yer!’ Arty MacIntosh woke up to advise.
at bash it up you! (excl.) under bash, v.
[Aus] F.J. Hardy Legends from Benson’s Valley 21: There was Hungry Phillips [...] stark bollick naked in a tub of water.
at stark bollock naked, adj.
[Aus] F.J. Hardy Legends from Benson’s Valley 115: ‘Isn’t it a bloody caution?’ Old Bill Green said, amid applause.
at caution, n.
[Aus] F.J. Hardy Legends From Benson’s Valley 186: ‘Are you hungry?’ ‘I could eat a maggoty horse, so long as there was sauce on it.’.
at could eat a horse (and chase the jockey/rider) under eat, v.
[Aus] F.J. Hardy Legends from Benson’s Valley 73: ‘They’ve had the luck of Eric Connolly all night,’ Darky said.
at luck of Eric Connolly (n.) under luck, n.
[Aus] F.J. Hardy Legends from Benson’s Valley 26: I awoke with a mouth like the bottom of a cockie’s cage.
at have a mouth like the bottom of a cocky’s cage (v.) under mouth, n.
[Aus] F.J. Hardy Legends from Benson’s Valley 11: I get a lot of knock backs but I get a lot of naughties.
at naughty, n.
[Aus] F.J. Hardy Legends from Benson’s Valley 189: Flash cars never stop [...] Old rattle-traps and trucks will stop.
at rattletrap, n.
[Aus] F.J. Hardy Legends from Benson’s Valley 26: ‘Have a sherbert,’ I said, ‘it’ll do yer the world a good.’.
at sherbet, n.
[Aus] F.J. Hardy Legends from Benson’s Valley 190: On me own, I’m nobody. Just a susso.
at susso, n.
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