at muck-a-muck, n.
at muck-a-muck, n.
at not care a cent, v.
at hill of beans, a, phr.
at dead as..., adj.
at bet one’s boots (v.) under bet, v.
at blackguard, v.
at bogus, adj.
at bottle-nose, n.
at bullet, n.2
at bust, adj.
at carrot-headed (adj.) under carrot, n.
at strapped (for cash), adj.
at celestial, adj.2
at pass in one’s checks (v.) under check, n.1
at circus, n.
at clean-up, n.
at clincher, n.1
at consarned, adj.
at cuss, v.
at cut out, v.2
at dod-rotted (adj.) under dod, n.1
at dose, n.1
at finger, n.
at ’Frisco, n.
at galoot, n.
at mush-head, n.
at heeled, adj.
at hell-roaring (adj.) under hell, n.
at what in hell...?, phr.
at hell of a, a under hell, n.
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