at tip the double (v.) under double, n.1
at Taffy, n.
at six-and-eightpence, n.
at see the lions (v.) under see, v.
at toggery, n.
at rag, tag and bobtail, n.
at blackguard, v.
at monkey-faced (adj.) under monkey-face, n.
at fag, n.1
at hedge-tavern (n.) under hedge, adj.
at Johnny Raw, n.
at malt, v.
at quill-driver (n.) under quill, n.1
at rusty, adj.1
at slang, n.1
at spoony, adj.
at swizzle, n.1
at red-hot, adj.
at sharper, n.
at doctor’s curse (n.) under doctor, n.
at cast up one’s accounts (v.) under cast, v.
at set-out, n.
at serve out (v.) under serve, v.
at lush, n.1
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