1979 Frontline Dec. 17: If you know what’s good for you you’d better not call it tsotsi-taal. It’s Flytaal and proud of it. True flytalers react to the term tsotsi-taal. [...] Not that Flytaal is that different from tsotsi-taal, but it’s finding itself a new image [DSAE].at fly taal (n.) under fly, adj.
1983 Frontline Feb. 33: The people who seek seriously to talk turkey about how to come to terms with a truly race-free South Africa, have no need to feel irrelevant. Let them consider the mess that the hardegat option wrought to the north of us; and be fortified [DSAE].at hardegat, adj.
1983 Frontline Oct. 61: The skate has his own dialect [...] ‘I got a graft, a cabbie, I got stukkies, booze, and I got zol. I tune you, mate, if I can get one mamba chow a day, I scheme life is kif.’.at scheme, v.
1983 Frontline Oct. 58: This is the skuit (or skate, if you’re saying it in English). In colloquial Afrikaans the word refers to excretion, but [...] the people thus labelled consider it a term of endearment. Which says something about the skates [...] They’re South Africa’s answer to the punks or the skinheads of Britain. Nihilists. [Ibid.] 61: The skate has his own dialect ... ‘I got a graft, a cabbie, I got stukkies, booze, and I got zol. I tune you, mate, if I can get one mamba chow a day, I scheme life is kif’ [...] Jonathan Handley [...] has been making a study of the skate subculture. [...] ‘The skate.. is unemployed, lives with his parents, and has no direction in life ... He isn’t the rebel without a cause. He is no longer the romantic that the ducktail was’ [DSAE].at skate, n.
1984 in Frontline Feb. 26: Maybe with a name like that B. Nanabhai isn’t so much a bushy anyhow, more like a chara [...] Maybe they sent him to Durbs, [...] where he had to live among other charas [...] Charas are tailors, unless they’re waiters [DSAE].at charra, n.
1984 Frontline Feb. 33: There had been a peach on the back seat [...] One grabs it, takes a hap, and it quickly does the rounds [DSAE].at hap, n.2
1984 Frontline Feb. 26: There are bushies living all over the ‘white’ suburbs [...] and apartheid in CA is even more of a gemors and a generally lost cause than in Joeys [DSAE].at Joeys, n.
1984 Frontline Feb. 27: Apparently the main ou is a Cape ou, and the Cape ous are winning so far [DSAE].at main ou (n.) under main, adj.
1984 Frontline Mar. 18: He and Ou Mike were neuking the souties all over the shop when they stopped the fight to disqualify both sides [DSAE].at neuk, v.
1984 Frontline July 29: Pantsulas and Mshozas take great pride in their expensive clothes. Lizard-skin shoes and purses, cashmere pullovers and cardigans, leather coats, jackets and berets are top with them. [Ibid.] 30: The cheapest pair of shoes you will come across worn by a Pantsulas will cost about R150 [DSAE].at pantsula, n.
1985 Frontline Sept. 23: Our car eventually hits the clean smelling mink and manure black area called Diepkloof Extension. It is like another world [DSAE].at mink and manure belt, n.
1985 Frontline Aug. 54: Guys who spend long enough living in the bush end up bedonderd, but that’s just normal army befok, it’s not bossies like from war.at bedonderd, adj.
1985 Frontline Aug. 54: I don’t suppose it’ll ever end. It’ll go on until the blacks get the vote, and then we’re befok [...] Guys who spend long enough living in the bush end up bedonderd, but that’s just normal army befok, it’s not bossies like from war.at befok, adj.
1985 Frontline Aug. 54: I don’t know about these guys who are meant to go bossies after service. I don’t know anyone who is really gone in his head because of contacts [...] Of course, guys who spend long enough living in the bush end up bedonderd, but that’s just normal army befok, it’s not bossies like from war [DSAE].at bosbefok, adj.
1985 Frontline 5:9-10 83: Edward [...] took a suck from the dumpie bottle filled with what we now openly referred to as kaffir taxi, and went to sleep.at kaffir taxi (n.) under kaffir, adj.
1985 Frontline Aug. 54: When I saw what was left of him I just wanted to moer them. Even before that it was drummed into us that what we were there for was to moer the terrs. You feel nothing [DSAE].at moer, v.
1987 Frontline Oct.–Nov. 11: The Hawks were the masculine guys [...] The Lighties, or Haase (rabbits) were the passive ones, mainly ignorant youngsters selling their orifices and smooth youthful skins for food, tobacco, drugs and protection [DSAE].at hasie, n.
1987 Frontline Oct. n.p.: In the corner of the cell humming with a malignant presence of its own was the ubiquitous ‘kakpot’ of the old prison .at kakpot, n.
1987 Frontline Apr. 23: What sort of person gets caught up in drag racing? ‘The windgatte,’ answers Mick [DSAE].at windgat, n.
1987 Frontline Feb. 24: Azasm – known as the Zim-Zims — remain in the Azapo fold [DSAE].at zim-zim, n.
1988 Frontline Mar. 11: Blood River at Sleepy Hollow. No one has ever been interested in Maritzburg. People have called us ‘Sleepy Hollow’. Now we are suddenly in the spotlight [DSAE].at Sleepy Hollow, n.
1988 Frontline Apr.–May 24: ‘I tjaaf you, the peckies are getting white these days,’ said Don. ‘You can’t trust them, any of them.’ [DSAE].at pekkie, n.
1988 Frontline Nov. 27: I approach another man pushing a wheelbarrow. He has a phuza face and he generally looks sickly [ [].at phuza, n.
1988 Frontline Apr.–May 24: ‘I tjaaf you, the peckies are getting white these days [...] You can’t trust them’, said Don [DSAE].at white, adj.
1988 Frontline Jan. 28: The historic voyage of Bartholmeo Diaz around the Cape that was woes en leeg (except for a couple of hundred thousand people of local colour and a million or so head of game ...) [DSAE].at woes, adj.
1989 Frontline Mar. 28: Vrededorp Vietas to its residents and Pageview to the map-makers was Joburg’s last indiscriminate area, and one of the last in the country to be laid low before the Group Areas Act ran out of steam [DSAE].at Fietas, n.
1989 Frontline Aug. 13: CP count will be much higher than 75 if government’s voetjie-voetjie with ANC increases [DSAE].at voetjie-voetjie, n.