Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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Boston Herald choose

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[US] Boston Herald 31 Jan. 4/2: The out-and-out speech of Lord Spencer at the late grubbery.
at grubbery, n.
[US] Boston Herald 2 Aug. 2/5: They are just fit to stay in this city, vegetate in the back slums, read the News and Express, bum round rum-shops [DA].
at bum, v.3
[US] Boston Herald Dec. n.p.: He is to have a quintette club of amateurs with him, from The Hub [F&H].
at Hub, the, n.
[US] Boston Herald 25 Dec. 4/5: Now we know what a blessing the trolley is — when the juice isn’t turned off [DA].
at juice, n.1
[US] Boston Herald 26 July 4/8: It was not a big brass general that came; but a man in khaki kit [DA].
at brass, n.1
[US] Boston Herald 2 June in Fleming Unforgettable Season (1981) 84: He [i.e. a pitcher] was [...] constantly in the hole due to wildness.
at in the hole (adj.) under hole, n.1
[US] Boston Herald 29 July 3/1: A big chug wagon jumped away from the Senate office building late this afternoon and snorted off toward Fort Myer [DA].
at chugwagon, n.
[US] Boston Herald 5 June [headline] Connolly lawyers to say statie tipped Mob.
at Statie, n.
[US] Boston Herald 6 Jan. 🌐 ‘The Branch would argue that you don’t make informants in gospel halls or Sunday schools. And that’s true,’ he said.
at Branch, the, n.
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