2002 (con. 1940s) J. McBride Miracle at St Anna quoted in Rev. at CNN.com 25 Feb. 🌐 He re-creates one of Bishop’s sermons in which he ecstatically declares God is ‘the baddest kitty kat in the firmament. He got the mojo and the sayso.’.at the mojo and the say-so (n.) under mojo, n.
2003 Money at CNN.com 21 Nov. 🌐 Want to reduce Uncle Sam’s tax bite? You’ll do much better if you start planning before Dec. 31.at tax bite (n.) under bite, v.
2003 CNN.com 7 Mar. 🌐 Ex-CSer Turdslinga says ‘Greco blowssss and don’t gas up his head’.at gas up someone’s head (v.) under gas, v.4
2003 CNN.com 🌐 [headline] McDonald’s not lovin’ ‘McJob’ dictionary definition. McDonald’s says it deserves a break from the unflattering way the latest Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary depicts its job opportunities.at McJob, n.
2003 ‘Cold War Special’ Postscript in Video CNN.com 🌐 Carving up Europe: Did the U.S. give up the store? [...] CNN World Affairs Correspondent Ralph Begleiter, Russian historian Vladislav Zubok and American scholars Tom Blanton and Hope Harrison consider a once-popular proposition in the West—that the United States ‘gave away the store’ to Soviet leader Joseph Stalin, allowing him to establish Soviet control over Eastern Europe for decades.at give up the store (v.) under store, n.