at ding-a-ling, n.3
at dig a grave, v.
at a.i.f., adj.
at I’m afloat, n.
at all stations, n.
at alma gray, n.
at almond rock, n.
at one alone, n.
at Amos and Andy, n.1
at dad and mum, n.
at dodge and shirk, n.
at dribs and drabs, n.
at fiddles and flutes, n.
at fleas and itches, n.
at fleas and scratches, n.
at froth and bubble, n.
at gone and forgotten, adj.
at jack (and jill), n.
at spire and steeple, n.
at strangle and smother, n.
at mild and meek, n.
at purple and mauve, n.
at tens and twos, n.
at this and that, n.
at up and under, v.
at you and me, n.
at dip and chuck it, n.
at dirt, grime and dust, n.
at egg and spoon, n.
at bubble and squeak, n.2
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