Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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Orleans County Monitor choose

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[US] Orleans Co. Monitor (Barton, VT) 1 Apr. 2/2: There is a flood of counterfeit money afloat called shysty or Wild Cat which I would adise you not to touch.
at shysty, adj.
[US] Orleans Co. Monitor (Barton, VT) 13 Apr. 1/6: The young joker [...] paid for the beers [...] and hurried away to find a greener hand than the Eighth Ward beer slinger.
at beer-slinger (n.) under beer, n.
[US] Orleans Co. Monitor (Barton, VT) 30 Apr. 1/5: ‘You keep “ardents” here?’ ‘Keep — what?’ ‘Ardents — ardents — spirits, you know’.
at ardent, n.
[US] Orleans Co. Monitor (Barton, VT) 23 Jan. 1/4: The greatest fault this mad was poking his nose into something that was none of his business. His new wife called it ‘cot-bettying.’ [...] One day in particular he seemed more ‘cotty’ than usual.
at cotbetty, n.
[US] Orleans Co. Monitor (Barton, VT) 21 June 6/3: The most damnably corrupt thing on earth is American politics.
at damnably, adv.
[US] Orleans Co. Monitor (Barton, VT) 6 Feb. 6/4: John Chinaman [...] carries a bundle ‘big enough to choke a horse’ as the saying goes.
at big enough to choke a bull (adj.) under big, adj.
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