Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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[Aus] 12 Apr. 🌐 How did this article turn into a bitch fest about barking dogs?
at bitch fest (n.) under bitch, v.
[Aus] 21 Mar. 🌐 A lot of blokes are scared about other blokes seeing their little bloke while in the dunny.
at little bloke (n.) under bloke, n.
[Aus] 21 Mar. 🌐 So a bloke walks into an outback pub, orders a c**k-sucking cowboy and then someone calls him a poof.
at cocksucking, adj.
[Aus] 21 Mar. 🌐 Fair dinkum, mate. Next time don’t f*** with the poofters.
at fair dinkum!, excl.
[Aus] 21 Mar. 🌐A common saying now among us young people is: ‘That is so gay’ [...] They said the word gay also meant lame or rubbish.
at gay, adj.
[Aus] 21 Mar. [Internet So a bloke walks into an outback pub, orders a c**k-sucking cowboy and then someone calls him a poof. Well it might have been a horse’s hoof or a wolly woofter.
at horse’s hoof, n.
[Aus] 21 Mar. 🌐 The correct reaction [...] was of course to tell the barman ‘go and get stuffed you bloody pelican,’ or ‘neck up you parrot’.
at neck up! (excl.) under neck, v.
[Aus] 21 Mar. 🌐 So a bloke walks into an outback pub, orders a c**k-sucking cowboy and then someone calls him a poof.
at poof, n.
[Aus] 21 Mar. 🌐 The correct reaction [...] was of course to tell the barman ‘go and get stuffed you bloody pelican,’ or ‘neck up you parrot’.
at get stuffed! (excl.) under stuffed, adj.2
[Aus] 12 Apr. 🌐 Website measures woofer love.
at woofer, n.
[Aus] 21 Mar. [Internet So a bloke walks into an outback pub, orders a c**k-sucking cowboy and then someone calls him a poof. Well it might have been a horse’s hoof or a wolly woofter.
at woofter, n.
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