Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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Tulsa Daily World choose

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[US] Tulsa Dly World (OK) 12 Oct. 2/1: No Longer Will the Heathen Chink be Permitted to Enjoy the Seductive ‘Pin Yen’.
at pen yen, n.
[US] Tulsa Dly World (OK) 19 Apr. 5/3: A clod-hopping sod-buster, who eats peas with a fork .
at sod-buster (n.) under sod, n.4
[US] Tulsa Dly World (OK) 15 Apr. 18/3: [advert] Have you seen the new Boodle Bag. Something new in a safe deposit for your money and jewels to be worn just below the knee .
at boodle bag (n.) under boodle, n.1
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